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I awoke to loud crying and cursing, hopefully from two different people. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and sat up. A putrid smell hit my nose and I made a face. Scanning the room I found the source, Draco standing by the crib, Sissy in hand. Both covered in vomit. "Oh, Draco..." I sighed and jumped out of bed.

Once both children were cleaned up and smelling like vanilla cupcakes, we all headed to the kitchen. Draco and I for a cup of tea and Sissy for a bottle. Microwaving it's contents I turned to my fiancé. "Have you written back home about all of this?" I questioned. I'd been meaning to ask.

He nodded. "Mums not too pleased but she's excited to meet you. How about you?" I smiled at the thought of officially meeting Narcissa. I've always looked up to her for some reason.

"Yeah my parents know, they don't quite understand and are extremely angry. But what can you do?" He nodded in understanding. "I was thinking since we have a Hogsmeade trip this weekend we could sneak out and I can introduce you to my parents?" I asked sheepishly.

Draco grinned and reached for my hand to intertwine our fingers. "Look at big bad, Granger breaking a rule!" He teased. I blushed and lightly slapped his shoulder. "I would love to Hermione, as long as you'd be willing to meet mine as well." The thought of seeing Lucious Malfoy made me shiver.

I faked a grin and gave his hand a squeeze, "That sounds lovely." A thought popped into my head. "Draco, when will we be married?" He smiled.

"Whenever you would like, my princess." He took my hand and brought it to his lips. I don't know how to explain how I felt in that moment other than I completely melted. If I wasn't careful this man would own my heart.

After that encounter in our flats kitchen, everything else that day was rather boring. So we'll skip to later that night. Slytherin and Gryffindor had Astronomy together. Half of the staff grouped together to take the children off our hands for the night so we could have that class in peace. Tomorrow was our last day with them, though. Myself, much like Draco, had grown rather fond of Sissy. We knew we weren't supposed to but she held our best qualities combined. That's a recipe for perfection if you ask me. It was bound to happen.

I hadn't seen Draco at all the rest of that day. I'd caught glimpse of him at the lunch table a few times but that was all. Might I say I missed him? Perhaps. For some reason I got the smallest idea that he was calling me pretty somewhere. I wasn't sure though.

"Hermione! 'Mione wait up!" I looked back to catch Harry running up to me. "Hey." He smiled and doubled over, catching his breath. We were walking up the Astronomy tower.

"What's up, Harry?" I asked, smiling. I loved my best friend with all my heart. It was saddening I hadn't been able to see him as much this year. I missed our late night parties in the common room after hours and our study sessions that always lead to me hitting him on the head with the materials. He's always been there for me no matter what. Being so close through all these years...it's hard to start separating.

"Just wanted to say hello. That I miss you." I stopped walking to hug him around the waist.

"You're very sweet, Harry. I miss you too." We reached the top and I spotted the blonde ferret talking to Blasie Zabini. I separated from Harry and decided to walk over and introduce myself. "Hello, Draco. Mr. Zabini." Blaise was incredibly handsome. His dark skin glowed in the moonlight and his handsome eyes twinkled. He was nothing compared to Draco, still nice to look at though.

"Hello, darling." Draco wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me into him. I offered no opposition and ghosted my fingers on his back. Blaise chuckled at my greeting.

"My father is Mr. Zabini. I'm much too young and much too hot to be called anything other than Zabini or baby. Pick one sweetheart." He winked at me and my stomache sank. Draco growled, almost animalistic. Blaise backed off and put his hands up.

"Sorry, man. I'll leave." And he did. I turned to Draco and raised my eyebrows.

"What was that about? He was only joking." He frowned and I soothingly caressed his waist. I didn't know where the need to be physical with him was coming from, it wasn't like me.

"I know, I didn't even mean to...It was just instinct, automatic. I didn't like him calling you that."

"Try to contain it next time. You sounded more like a lion than a snake." I teased. He scowled.

"Please never say that again." I giggled and he smiled. We walked to our designated places for class and began our notes.

I was packing my materials from class up when a certain ferret approached me. "Need a knight to walk such a fair lady home?" I snorted.

"Need? I could hex you in your sleep and you know it. But if you would grace me with your company I think I'd find myself much happier." I extended my arm for him to grab my hand and he did.

When we reached our dorm I locked the front door and threw my belongings onto the couch. I was exhausted and would have to pick them up in the morning.

"Its time for bed." I said, to no one in particular and headed for the bathroom to change into my pajama.

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