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It seemed as if the first half of my last year at Hogwarts had flown by. Before I knew it the crisp Autumn air had chilled and the leaves crunching under my feet were soon replaced with snow.

Of course I was acing my classes and seemed less stressed by the workload than my previous years. Probably because I hadn't taken on any extra curriculums.

It also seemed that Draco and I had become increasingly closer during these months. We'd hang out in between classes and sneak out onto the grounds late at night to take walks by the lake.

We'd had a few more snogging sessions but nothing other than that. I'll be honest it's a bit disappointing.

Nonetheless, it was time for holiday break. Most were going home to visit family and I was no different. I'd made plans to visit the Weasleys for the first week and then floo to the Malfoy Manor to meet his parents and celebrate Christmas there.

It wasn't something I was too eager about but I decided it needed to be done. I can't avoid them forever, I suppose.

I found myself sitting alone in a compartment on the Hogwarts Express, traveling to the Weasleys for holiday for the very last time. I looked across the aisle into a compartment filled with first years and felt myself overcome with nostalgia as a I remember my very first ride on this train.

A rather skittish boy had bumped into me and mumbled an apology something about losing 'Trevor'.

"Who?" I asked him politely. He seemed anxious and I wanted to help.

"Not who, what. My toad, Trevor. I'm afraid I've lost him. Gran will be so angry." He looked as if he were about to cry.

I tried to console him the best I could and assured him I'd help look for his toad.

"What's your name so that I can find you later."

"Neville," he sputtered out.

"Thank you, Neville. I'll go help you find it. It's best if we split up, cover more ground." And I was off.

I opened a few compartments filled with all sorts of interesting people. I only asked about the toad and moved on when I saw their heads shrugging. Until I opened the door to interrupt two boys. One with bright red hair and the other shaggy jet black hair.

They looked to be about my age and the redhead looked to be doing a spell with a very battered looking wand on a...rat?

"Has anyone seen a toad? Neville's lost one."

The redhead spoke up, "We've already told him we haven't seen it."

I didn't pay attention, I was much too focused on his spell. I'd read all about spells over the summer and had never seen someone perform one before.

"Oh, are you doing magic? Let's see it, then." I sat down.

"Er— all alright." He cleared his throat.

"Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow,
Turn this stupid, fat rat yellow."

He waved his wand but nothing happened.

"Are you sure that's a real spell? Well it's not very good is it?..."

My flashback faded out and I was back in my empty compartment. That's one of my most fondest memories. It really was the start of my life.

Realizing why I was pulled out of my memories I looked up to see a very handsome ferret staring down at me. I smiled and pulled him inside, closing the door.

He sat down in the seat in front of mine and placed his hands in his lap.

"What were you day dreaming so intently about?" He drawled, smirking.

"Not you, if that's what you were thinking," I grinned. "I was just remembering my first train ride to Hogwarts. Do you remember?"

"Unfortunately." He looked bitterly out the window. I could tell this wasn't something he wanted to talk about so I dropped it and changed the subject.

"I think I'm going to miss you." He turned to meet my eyes and gave a knowing smile.

"I'll miss you too. But it's only a week and I'll see you again. How long will you be staying for?"

I hadn't given it much thought. It really depends on that first night. If things go well I might just spend the rest of the vacation there. My parents were taking a trip to New York to visit some family this year. But if it doesn't, I'll go back to the Weasleys or book a room in The Leaky Cauldron.

"I'm not sure. I'll let you know." I returned the smile. Feeling tired and rather bored, I plopped myself down beside the blonde and positioned my body so that Is as able to lay my head in his lap. My legs were curled up to my stomache. 

He pet my hair softly as I drifted off to sleep.

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