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"Oh my! I'd never thought I'd live to see the day Hermione Granger broke a rule for her own selfish purposes!" Ginny taunted, loudly. Breakfast was being served but not many people showed up. It was Saturday and a Hogsmeade day as well. Students chatted excitedly for their first trip of the year.

I shushed Ginny, not wanting my plans to be overheard by a teacher. "It's not selfish! My parents deserve an opportunity to meet their son-in-law before we're wed! I'm not thinking of myself, I'm thinking of my parents!" I stated exasperatedly.

Ginny continued her tease. "You're only saying that so the self loathing doesn't kick in." She giggled. I made a face. "I'm only joking, 'Mione. Besides, it sounds like a good idea. But he doesn't want you to meet his too, does he?" Ginny's voice turned serious.

I nodded solemnly. "It's only Lucious I'm worried about. He'll probably bite my head off as soon as I step in the door." I winced at the thought.

"I wouldn't be too worried. He's still on parole after being released from Azkaban. Any wrong move and he'll be thrown back in with the dementors." We shivered at the thought of the black hooded demons. We'd had an all too familiar encounter with them, their past years at Hogwarts.

I made to leave but decided to wait for the redhead to finish up. I had no idea where Draco was and she didn't feel much up to walking back without company. "Care to escort me back to the dorms?" Ginny shook her head.

"No problem. I was heading that way myself." Ginny wiped her mouth and cleaned up her area before standing and walking away with me.

We talked about everything under the sun. It reminded me of the good old days when all we had to worry about was our studies, upcoming tests, and how to save the world. Now we were growing up and there wasn't time for such nonsense.

I spoke about the new feelings bubbling up over Malfoy. Ginny, much to my dismay, spoke in detail of her and Harry's recent first time. I gagged at certain parts but remained supportive and listened.

"I love you, Gin, but please never talk to me about that again." We giggled until we reached Ginny's door. "I'll see you at Hogsmeade later, before we leave?" She nodded and hugged me.

"I really do miss you." I nodded. Waving I walked away and heard the door shut. It would be a few minutes until I finally reached my dorm. Dark corridors separated the students dorms. They were rather spaced out to give a sense of privacy to its occupants.

Hours passed and I waited for Draco to meet me back here, before we headed to Hogsmeade and then my childhood home.

Moments later he passed through the door and we headed outside together. Once we were at Hogsmeade, it was rather easy to sneak away from everyone else and find a spot to quickly apparate.

Suddenly we were in my backyard.

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