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My mother greeted us at the back door and told me to wait while she got my father. I instructed Draco to sit in the living area while I went to my room for a moment.

As soon as I entered, a familiar aroma flooded my nose and I smiled. I always loved coming back home after being away. I grabbed some things I'd left behind and stuffed them in my extendable bag I'd brought.

Stepping out of my room, I saw my father and Draco sitting silently on the sofa. I watched as they stood up in unison. Draco stepped towards me but kept his distance.

I gave him a small smile and nodded for him to step closer. Taking his hand into mine, we approached my parents. We were here, so it was time for him to meet them.

Malfoy had turned his charm on and he was the most polite I'd ever seen him. Shaking my parents hands, complimenting our home, and showering my mother in compliments.

We had silently agreed to abandon Draco and my father to chat on their own. Walking into the kitchen, mum and I began making tea. But quietly so we could eavesdrop. It has seemed, Draco brushed up on muggle sports facts to impress my dad. When he did that, I had no idea.

We set the table in the living room and brought in the tea. I drank graciously and joined in on the sports banter.

Soon it began to get dark and it was time to head back. We exchanged our goodbyes and apparated back to Hogsmeade. We were just in time to join everyone to leave and make our way back to the castle.

hand in hand; dramioneWhere stories live. Discover now