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The train ride back to Hogwarts was very boring. I sat in a compartment with Harry, Ginny, Ron, Luna, and Neville. It was very crowded and highly uncomfortable but we made it work.

Ginny and Luna were now 7th years with us. It was very exciting because we had never had regular classes with the two. I couldn't wait to teach them everything I had learned the previous years.

Soon everyone in the compartment was asleep but me. Ginny had her head on my shoulder and was very grossly drooling. I pulled Hogwarts: A History out of my bag and decided to read until we reached the castle.

The only thing that happened in that time that was even slightly interesting was interaction between me and Malfoy. He was passing by and we locked eyes for a couple of seconds. Then he just flashed a small smile and walked off. I thought it weird but didn't want to push.

Soon we reached the castle and I was forced to wake everyone up and get situated before we left the train and headed to school.

The sorting passed by quick. Gryffindor gained eight new house mates, Ravenclaw gained six, Hufflepuff gained five, while Slytherin didn't get but three. I looked over at my two best friends, Harry was staring googily eyed at Ginny (as usual), and Ron was stuffing his face, (as usual).

I let my eyes wonder to the Slytherin table, I caught eyes with a certain blonde once more. We stayed staring at each other for awhile. There was something there that made me not want to look away. His eyes were...sad. They held more no arrogance or evil they once did. Now they were filled with what seemed to be sorrow and regret. But once I heard McGonagall's voice I looked away.

"The first feast in the new Hogwarts is now officially over! You are dismissed now, except all seventh years," She said that last part louder. I was very confused once more. I had a weird feeling this might have to do with the new law she mentioned in her letter.

As soon as all the younger students cleared out of the Great Hall a surprise visitor entered. It was Kingsley our new Minister of Magic. I knew then McGonagall wanted us to stay because of this new law.

Meanwhile at the Slytherin Table

The ride back here was boring. Pansy wouldn't shut up about Blaise and her being a couple and Blaise wouldn't stop staring at Pansy. It got very annoying very fast. I don't know why I was friends with the two. Both were idiots and held nothing of interest to me.

The sorting was boring, per usual. And of course, Gryffindor gained all of the attention with getting the most new first years. I looked over to see Blaise and Pansy staring at each other again. It's disgusting if you ask me. Just last year, Pansy wad obsessed with me and staring at me with her love sick googly eyes. I'm just glad she's latched on to someone else now.

I looked around the Great Hall then locked eyes with a certain bushy-haired bookworm, except she wasn't bushy-haired. Her hair had calmed down a bit. Now that I think about it Granger looks nothing like she did in first year, she looked rather... beautiful. Not that she hadnt always looked beautiful. It's just, this year she's matured and it suits her well. I quickly shook that last thought away as McGonagall spoke.

"The first feast in the new Hogwarts is officially over! You are dismissed now, except all seventh years."

When all of the younger students got out of the Great Hall, Kingsley, appeared. That's when I knew what McGonagall wanted us to stay for...the new law.

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