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Kingsley walked over to where the owl post stood and began to speak. "Now, students, you all know that a war took place just a year ago. It was a devistating tragedy that left us to mourn the loss of many of our loved ones. I would like to take a moment of silence to honor those who lost their lives fighting for the right thing." I got teary-eyed like I'm sure most people did. It's just...terrifying to know that so many of us lost our families and friends.

After about two minutes Kingsley spoke again. "Well, the war took our population numbers down. We lost 49% of our wizarding community. If we don't act fast our kind can go extinct. So the Ministry of Magic has passed a new law, a marriage law. This law pairs you up with a spouse. It will not just be any spouse in case any of you are wondering. The sorting hat will pair you up with your soulmate. The person you're meant to be with. You will also be required to produce at least one heir in a minimum of 10 years. This was a very difficult decision but it had to be done. I apologize if you feel your rights are being violated, but I would appreciate this to go smoothly and lack an uproar. When you're name is called, boys, you will walk up here and the Sorting Hat will choose you're marriage partner just as it has chosen your house." With that whispers and threats broke loose.

"You can't do that," A Hufflepuff shouted.

"Yeah," A Ravenclaw agreed.

"We have the right to marry who we want," Seamus shouted.

The entire Great Hall was in uproar. People were standing on tables. Current couples clung to each other like their lives depended on it. Everyone around me was screaming and protesting. I was too. This is honestly the most ridiculous thing. They can't force us to be with someone. We are entitled to marry who we want. It's our right as humans.

"SILENCE!" McGonagall suddenly yelled. She held a remorseful look and every once in awhile had shot daggers at Kingsley. But, it was her duty to keep order within the students and I respected her for putting a stop to it. Everyone, terrified of the new headmistress became silent. Students began sitting back down and some even started crying.

"Now, we will start the sorting. When I call your name just take a seat." McGonagall pointed her wand and suddenly a chair with the sorting hat appeared.

"NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM!" She called out. "LUNA LOVEGOOD," the hat roared. The couple walked to the front of the room and stood beside McGonagall, very awkwardly. What an odd pairing.

"LAVANDER BROWN!" They went and stood by Luna and Neville. Honestly, those two deserve eachother. I couldn't help but scoff. Ron and I weren't on the best terms, you could say.

"HARRY POTTER!" I could see the worried expression on his face.
"GINNY WEASLEY!" Relief washed over Harry as he and Ginny stood by Ron and Lavander. Soon all of the seventh years were up there with their partners, except six people. Cormac McLaggen, Millicent Bulstrode, Me, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, and Malfoy. This could end up very bad for me.

"PANSY PARKINSON," It came no surprise they these two were chosen for each other. So, that left two people: McLaggen and Malfoy. Two people I very much hate. I don't entirely hate Malfoy, actually. I pity him.

"MILLICENT BULSTRODE!" I hadn't realized I was holding my breath until air rushed out of my body. I'd take Malfoy over McLaggen anyday.

"That leaves Mr. Malfoy and Ms. Granger," Harry sent me a sympathetic look as I walked with Malfoy to stand beside McLaggen. I didn't look at him once. I was completely terrified. Even if I didn't hate him, marriage? Children? I had never even thought about those things and now they're suddenly forced onto me without warning? How will I explain this to my family?

"These are you partners you will spend the rest of your lives with," McGonagall said. There were a few groans and a few squeals.

"Professor, what if we refuse to marry our partners?" I asked. "Well Ms.Granger, you will be stripped of your magic and obliviated so you never remember anything about the wizarding world," she stated in a matter-of-fact tone. Murmurs be heard from every seventh years mouth.

"Now, I have to escort all of you to you're living quarters," she said.

"Our what?" Seamus Finnagen asked.

"The place where you and your partner will live." Professor McGonagall answered.

"We have to live together too?" I shouted. "Yes Ms. Granger." She sighed. "This is bloody ridiculous," I mumbled to myself.

I'm not gonna survive this. Was the last thought processed before this new lifestyle was officially put into place.

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