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My alarm beeped loudly and I stirred. Immediately I noticed someone's arms wrapped around my waist and I reached for my wand to hex whoever it was, before I remembered the last couple days events. I was engaged to and living with Draco Malfoy. My sworn enemy since I was eleven years old.

Except he was no longer my enemy. More like a friend now. I smiled sleepily and poked him on the shoulder. "Draco," I sang. "Wake up, sleepyhead." He stirred and groggily sat up. I found it sweet that he had held me in his sleep. Weird, but sweet.

"What time is it?" He questioned. I looked at the clock. 8:04 AM.

"About eight, we should start getting dressed. I walked into the bathroom and changed into my robes. I fixed my hair, brushed my teeth, and applied light makeup. I walked out and noticed Draco was already dressed. "All yours."

I walked out of the bedroom, into the living room, and plopped down on the recliner. I started thinking about the kitchen and why we had one. We'd eat most of our meals in the Great Hall anyway. Surely they knew that?

Minutes later Draco walked out and stood in front of me. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded and reached for my book bag before he grabbed it and smirked. "I've got it." A small blush appeared on my cheeks and I mumbled a small thanks before leaving, him falling close behind.

We walked in a comfortable silence. I looked out the windows onto the grounds as we passed them. Once we entered the Great Hall he handed me my bag and I made my way to the table. There weren't many people here yet.

Ginny and Harry were the first of my friends to arrive. Ginny seated herself beside me and Harry opposite her. Soon students began piling in and the Gryffindor table was full. We all shared our timetables excitedly sharing our fears and anticipation for the school year. I of course was ecstatic for Charms. It's always been my favorite class.

Soon the bell had rung for us to head to class. Ginny, Harry, Ron, Neville, Lavender, myself, and the other seventh year Gryffindors had the same class so we all walked together making small talk. Once we reached the classroom, Professor Flitwick ordered us to sit with our spouses. I was confused but obliged and sat in the front by myself, waiting for Draco. He was one of the last ones in of course. I directed him to sit beside me.

"Alright everyone! Settle down! Settle down!" The chatter died down and all eyes landed on the professor. "Now, I know you're all very excited about this school year, so let's get started. The ministry has requested I start a project that connects to the new law they've forced on you." There were many groans at this. "I'm very sorry but I couldn't decline if I wanted to keep my position. Anyway, since you're all required to produce and heir they've asked that I produce a charm that will teach you basic child care. I spent all summer trying to perfect this. Now it's still in the testing stages but if done correctly you should create a very realistic charm that takes the shape of an infant. It will look and act just like a real baby. But fair warning, the charm will wear off in a week and the "child" will disappear. It's advised you not get attached." Flitwick explained.

The room went completely silent. Everyone was extremely surprised at what he had just said. He ignored the angry and confused stares and began writing the instructions for this charm on the board.

How am I supposed to raise a child? I can barely function on my own. This will ruin my entire schedule!

I disregarded my thoughts and waited for retaliation from my peers, but nothing came. I guess they realized that nothing would really change if we caused another uproar. That's been happening a lot lately; Our opinions thrown in the trash. Lovely.

I looked over at Draco to see an almost excited expression. I tapped his shoulder. "Wanna start?" I questioned. He nodded. Soon we began practicing the proper flick of the wrist and incantation.

Our charm was the first successful one. The child was pale, blonde, and had caramel eyes. It wore a baby pink onesie, signaling it was probably a girl. The thing was rather cute but I figured I would disagree when it's screaming at the top of its lungs later that night. Flitwick dismissed us and we decided to take a walk around the castle with our new "baby".

Draco held her and looked over at me as we passed the black lake. "Should we name her?" I raised an eyebrow.

"That would constitute getting attached, would it not?" I questioned.

He shook his head. "Yeah I guess you're right." The disappointed face he made, made my stomache churn. I don't know why but I hated to see him like that.

"You know what, we can name it. That's apart of children responsibilities, is it not?" Draco smiled at me like an 11 year old getting their first Hogwarts letter. It made me smile. "Any ideas?"

"Erm...What about ..." His eyes lit up. "Sissy?" I knew he was referring to his mother. The name was very pretty and I liked the idea of naming the temporary baby after someone I admire.

"That sounds lovely." We made our way back to the castle, when I spotted Harry and Ron on the staircases. "I'll catch up with you later?" I asked. He nodded in confirmation.

I excitedly ran over and greeted my childhood friends. "So, what'd you name your charm? Ours is Sissy!"

"As in Narcissa?" Harry asked. I nodded. "Very pretty. Well, Ginny named ours Fred. And of course it has red hair and green eyes. He's very cute actually, until we had to change his diaper. That's when I headed out." I laughed.

"Ginny can't be too happy about that." I stated between giggles. Harry joined in with a small laugh and shook his head. I looked to Ron for his answer.

"Lav named ours after a bloody flower. Sodding Daisy. I hate it." He made a disgusted face. Harry and I agreed.

We roamed around for a little while more before I decided to leave and help Draco with Sissy. "Bye, guys. I'll see you next class." I found Draco headed to Herbology and offered to take the baby for this class. He denied.

"We'll be okay. I'm rather fond of her." He smiled at me and I got little butterflies in my stomache.

"Just remember not to get too attached okay?" I pinched Sissy's cheek, bid Draco goodbye, and headed to Potions.

Classes went by quickly and before I knew it I found myself back in the shower, getting ready for bed. Soon I heard loud crying and quickly got out and dressed into my pajamas. I found Draco in the living room attempting to change the babies diaper.

"Have you not changed her all day?" I quickly walked over and took over the situation.

"No I haven't...I'm sorry." He rubbed his neck sheepishly. "I guess I forgot." Did he not smell it?

"It's okay, we're learning, that's what this project is for." I taught him how to change a diaper and got my supplies to make my dreamless sleep potion. Draco followed, Sissy in hand.

"What are you making?" He asked, curiously as he leaned over my cauldron, looking in.

"Dreamless sleep potion." I answered quietly. My nightmares aren't something I like to tell other people about...

"Do you think you can make me some too?" He looked at me sadly and I gave him a small smile.

"Of course." I guess I would be making two servings from now on. After finishing the potion I transfigured a nightstand into a small crib. Draco lay the baby down and we crawled into bed. I handed him his vial and we clanked them together. "Bottoms up."

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