Holy Chatroom, Batman!

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Okay, so I’ve seen these and decided to try my hand at one! They look pretty cool! If you have any ideas of comments, feel free to tell me!

[Bruce is online]

[Dick is online]

[Tim is online]

[Barbara is online]

Dick: Bruce, when did you have enough time to come up with a chatroom?

Bruce: I’m not always Batman, but when I am... I’M BATMAN.

Tim: *sarcastically* No, really?

Bruce: -.-

Barbara: Hey, be nice to Bruce. He did save your sorry butts a number of times, mine included.

Dick: Okay. Sorry, Bruce...

Tim: Fish are friends. Not food. XD

Bruce: O.o

Dick: I thought you stopped watching ‘Finding Nemo’!

Tim: Nah, it was on last night... You two were out, though.

Bruce: You said you were sick!

Tim: *cough* Yeah, sick. That’s *cough* what you call it... *cough*

Dick: You will be in a minute, Tim. You will be. >:c

Barbara: It’s kind of cute. Your face, I mean! Wait, no, the... damn.

Dick: It’s okay, Barbs. I know what you mean. Just because *sings chorus to Sexy and I Know It*

Barbara: ...

Tim: ...

Bruce: ... Dick?

Dick: Yeeees?

Bruce: Don’t. Ever. Do That. Again. Batman begs you!

[Alfred is online]

Alfred: Master Bruce, I heard a horrible screeching noise. Is there any trouble?

Dick: Excuse me? I was just singing about my sexiness.

Tim: Yes... SINGING. That’s what that was.

Barbara: I think my ears are bleeding...

Bruce: Batman now knows the true meaning of pain and suffering.

Alfred: Very well, Master Dick. I thank you for your warning. I shall purchase a new set of ear-muffs right away. C(O.O)D

[Alfred is now offline]

Bruce: I think I need to improve my resistence to horrible noises. #_# I’ll be in the Batcave if anyone needs me. Oh... I’m Batman.

Barbara: I’ll join you, Bruce. I need to... uh... up-... uh, increase my knowledge for your next mission. Sorry, Dick. :(

[Bruce is offline]

[Barbara is offline]

Tim: ...Well, this is awkward. #O.O#

Dick: *stares at Tim* I’m sexy and I know it.

Tim: Where’s Batman’s sharpest batarang... Perhaps I can hack my ears off...

Dick: Excuse me? Just because you can’t accept my sexiness!

Tim: Reality? Reality? Are you there? I think Dick misses you.

Dick: Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle – yeah! *starts wiggling*

Tim: Oh, God, no! No! This can’t be happening! Nooooo! I can feel my stomach coming up to my throat...

[Tim is offline]

Dick: *hums Batman tune* Na na na na na na na na... Damn, Bruce. Gimme your theme song!

[Dick is offline]


I’m sorry, I just wanted to try my hand at one of these! Tell me what you think ^.^

Holy Chatroom, Batman! (Batman)Where stories live. Discover now