Bathulk Smash!

420 23 6

[Bruce is online]

[Dick is online]

[Wally is online]

[Barbara is online]

[Tim is online]

[Hulk is online]

Bruce: Hey team!

Dick: Hey, how’s it going?

Bruce: It’s going good.

Wally: Mmm... My life is complete.

Bruce: Why? What happened?


Wally: What? Speak of what? Oh, you mean last night?


Bruce: ...What happened?

Wally: We had ice-cream. No big deal.

Bruce: Dick, what’s wrong with having ice-cream?

Wally: >:)

Dick: I swear it! You will not live to see the light of day, Wallace West!

Wally: O.O I hate you. DON’T USE MY FULL NAME!

Barbara: Whoa, cat-fight much! Ladies, ladies, I love you both equally *cough* Jokes *cough*

Wally: Well, that isn’t nice!

Dick: It’s Barbs. She’s part of our team. It’s not in the job description to be nice.

Bruce: Actually, -

Dick: Shut it.

Hulk: Hulk smash.

Wally: Well, you’re always nice to me! So what does that make you?!

Dick: Uh, a nice person, maybe?!

Hulk: Smash?

Tim: Guys, calm down! We’re all nice when we want to be. Wally hasn’t brought up that ‘ice-cream’ thing yet, so there’s nothing to be annoyed about.

Wally: What ice-cream thing? You mean how Mister Dark-Glasses decided to get two bowls instead of one, asking specifically for a Bat-symbol on top so he could pretend that he was Batman for a while? Yeah, I said it.

Dick: Kid Mouth.

Wally: Yes.

Dick:... I hate you so much right now.

Wally: Oh, sorry, I can’t hear you over the noise of the BATS!

Bruce: I’m –

Barbara: Hungry! Yes, I am too, Bruce. Let’s go.

Bruce: =c But I’m –

Barbara: Yes, I know you’re hungry. Come on, we can go wherever you want for dinner.

Bruce: =’c But I am B-

Barbara: I said LET’S GO, Bruce.

Bruce: I’m –

Barbara: >=(

Bruce: o.o =c Okay...

[Barbara is offline]

[Bruce is offline. Message: ‘=’c Meanie...’]

Hulk: Smash smash?

Tim: Guys, calm down! I do the same thing! Except, uh, not to that extent... But I’m sure I would... If that helps...

Dick: No, it doesn’t! You promised to keep it quiet!

Wally: Well, I never told anyone what ice-cream is slang for, did I?!

Dick: O.O I’ll give you more ice-cream if you keep it quiet.

Wally: Deal. Now?

Dick: *sigh* Fine.

Tim: O.O

[Dick is offline. Message: ‘Why the heck does Wally like eating so much?’]

[Wally is offline. Message: ‘Nearly free food! This day is amazing...’]

Hulk: Hulk smash?

Tim: O.O ... u.u ... WAIT! Oh, man!

Hulk: Hulk?

Tim: It’s okay, I’ll give you a dictionary and thesaurus for your birthday, mate.

[Tim is offline]

Hulk: *steals Batman outfit* Batman smash. ^.^


A/N: Too chapters in one day! Don't you feel privileged! I already had this chapter, but thought I posted it, so when I realised that I didn't I decided to publish it! So there you go! Lucky duckies!


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