Chapter One

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(Fox's outfit, hair, face etc. except weapons those are different)

I ran through the abandoned town, my Border Collie Taz right behind me. I picked him up on my shoulder and hefted him up the ladder towards the top of the building. I set him down and felt the cold wind on my face. I knew a storm was coming, mainly because I've been Listening to that Citizen Z dude for a while.

He's always talking about these Delta
X-Ray Delta people and operation Bite Mark. I honestly think it's a bunch of boloney, but who really knows
now-a-days. I sighed as I pet Taz on the head, "We'll find some food soon bud." I said pulling out a water bottle and taking a swig.

"2,089!" I heard someone shout in the distance. I ducked behind the little wall that was on the roof. I pulled my rifle off my back and put a silencer on before peeking over the edge through my scope.

There was a boy around my age walking down the street, a military rifle tight in hand. He put his rifle on his back then pulled out a sling shot putting a gear in the sling. He aimed then shot, "2090." He said, his voice echoing because of the brick walls.

I looked on in curiosity not even noticing the Z behind me until Taz growled. I turned around grabbing my Katana off my back striking with great force. The brown-red substance flew everywhere, across my face, on my jeans, even in my black hair with highlights. I was used to it though, everyone was.

I turned back to the boy regaining my crouched position looking through the scope again. He wasn't paying any attention to his surroundings. He pulled back his slingshot and aimed for a nearby Z. The bad thing is he didn't notice the six zombies behind him.

The zombie stumbled up right behind him as he let go of the sling for the slingshot, "2091." His voice echoed again, but that might be the last time. The Z behind him tackled him with great force. As it was about to bite down on his neck I shot, hitting my Mark, I never miss.

I turned around as fast as I could causing my hair to get stuck on my face. I pulled it off and packed up my rifle. I jumped to the next building which roof was lower than the one I was previously on. Taz followed suit.

I tuned back one last time and saw a pair of Hazel eyes starring back at me. I took in his features. His midnight black hair, his white pearly teeth, those wondrous hazel eyes, a toned body, and as lean as a jaguar. He was attractive I will admit. But you can't gain crushes in the apocalypse. No one can.

I continued my jog across the roof tops and looked back at the boy again. He finished off the five last zombies and was following me from the ground. "Hey!" He called. I tried to pay him no attention but I couldn't. I looked down at him, "I just wanted to say thank you." I nodded my head. I kept my hood on so he couldn't recognize my features if we ever met again.

He walked closer to the building his hands raised in a sign of forfeit, or what I called it anyways. "Whats your name?" He asked, "Whats yours." I retorted. He looked at me shocked by my outburst, I guess he thought I was a guy. Wouldn't be the first time someone thought that. Taz stood up again signalling us to go. He was right the storm was approaching.

Castle Point is a small town so this tornado Citizen Z speaks of would destroy it in a heartbeat. I had no complaints though, I didn't grow up here. The boy looked at the sky too. "We need to go." He said. "There is no 'We'." I said back.

I stepped onto the edge of the roof and looked at the twenty foot drop. I picked up Taz holding him close to me. The wind caressed my body as I jumped off the roof. "No!" The boy shouted. At the last moment I reached out with one hand and clung to a broken ladder leading to the other building. I let go landing in a garbage bin that was ten feet below me, seeing as I had just jumped ten feet from the roof.

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