Chapter Ten

5K 116 9

(Fox P.O.V)

10K was in the shower and I was sitting in bed reading an old book I found. I put down the book suddenly getting bored. This doesn't feel right, you can never be bored in the apocalypse. I climbed out of bed and walked towards Taz who was on the floor sleeping. I stuck my hand out and began to pet him. He perked his ears up as the water pipes groaned with the needed force to stop the water.

10K emerged from the bathroom ten minutes later with dried hair and a new outfit. "I like the goggles." I joked, I actually did really like them. He scoffed, "I pull them off better." He said raising an eyebrow and wrapping me in an embrace. I took the goggles from his head and put them on mine, "I beg to differ." I purred. He smirked and leaned into me. I leaned in too and our lips connected.

I swear every time we kiss I still get butterflies in my stomach. He pulled away and just held me there. "I'm going to bed." Whispered. He kissed the tip of my nose and hopped into the bed. I took of my boots and got in too. I blew out the candle on the night stand and began to drift off. "Hey Allie?" He asked. "Yes Tommy." "Did you mean it when you said you loved me?" He asked. I thought about it, of course I meant it. I loved his hair his eyes, his intelligence (at times), I loved everything about him, I loved the thought of him.

"Of course, I love everything about you. I love you." I said turning over to face him. He smiled and wrapped his arm around me. "Now the real question?" I asked. "What?" "Dog on the bed or no?" I said. 10K laughed at my awful joke. He whistled and Taz jumped on the bed. "It's not my bed." 10K said. I chuckled and snuggled deeper into his chest. I sighed and closed my eyes.

I thought about how that man knew who we were. I wonder if he was with that other guys group. I let the thoughts consume my mind. I furrowed my eyes brows when I came across one I didn't like. 'What happens if he comes back while we're asleep'. "Whatcha thinking about?" 10K asked. "Are we safe?" I said ignoring his previous question. "You'll always be safe with me." 10K said reassuringly.

I nodded my head And dug it further into the crook of his neck. "I promise." He whispered kissing the top of my head. I closed my eyes and let him lull me to sleep.
I woke up about, or what seemed, midnight. 10K wasn't next to me and neither was Taz. I sprung up from the bed and put on my spiked converse. I grabbed my katana and bow and arrow so that I could have a more stealthy approach. "10K?" I whisper shouted into the hall way. No reply. I walked out, my bow raised. I descended down the steps quietly making sure they wouldn't squeak. I walked out the front door.

I looked around the porch and saw a ladder leading to the roof. I began to walk towards it. A force yanked my hair and covered my mouth, I tried to scream but it came out muffled. I looked up at my attacker and saw it was the blonde man from before. I tear slipped from my eye knowing my fate. I couldn't give up yet though, Taz needed me and so did Tommy.

I opened my mouth as wide as I could with the hand on it. I bit down with as much force as I could blow. A shout escaped the mans lips and I was able to slip away. I climbed up the ladder and ran to Warrens window. I tapped on it but she didn't stir. I looked back at the ladder and saw the man climbing up. "Awe fuck it." I muttered. I smashed the window with my foot. I heard a snap, or possibly just a pop. Warrens head shot up just in time to see the man tackled me off the roof and onto the hard ground about fifteen feet below. I let out a cry and tried to stand.

My muscles defied against me as I lifted myself up off the ground and shuffled to my bow. I picked it up and aimed it at the now charging man. Warren ran out with 10K on her heels. I met the arrow fly, meeting its mark. I dropped to my knees looking at the arrow. It went straight through his head and landed in the paneling of the house. I threw my bow across the dirt and looked at myself. My fifth human kill. I had killed them all before without sympathy, why care now?

10K ran to my side, dropping to his knees. He embraced me in a tight, warm, hug. "It's okay." He whispered in my ear as he pet my hair. "I'm so sorry." I repeated over and over again. "There's no need to be sorry." 10K said after the tenth time I had apologized. "She killed that other man. Why care about this one?" Warren asked. "I don't know!" I sobbed. I stood up on shaky legs and limped over to the man. He looked so familiar.

After a few minutes of looking at him it came to mind. "Josten." I whispered. "What?" 10K asked. "I know who this is. This was Josten, m-my moms boyfriend." I said. 10K looked at the man skeptically. "I always knew he was weird, my friends even thought he was a child predator." I cry-laughed. "Guess they were right." I said sorrowfully. "You two are still both children. Correct?" Warren asked. "18." 10K said. "16." I said. 10K and I looked at each other, he was at least a foot taller seeing as I was only 5,5.

Warren looked at Josten and walked over to him. "Some people need to take guard." She said. "I can, I mean I was already doing it from the back yard." 10K said. "I'll join you." I said. He nodded. He started walking towards the ladder. He stopped and turned around. "You okay?" He asked I nodded and took a step. My ankle instantly gave out and I crashed to the ground. "Holy shit!" 10K yelled rushing to me. He rolled up my jeans and inspected my ankle. "What the hell happened?" He asked.

"Well when I got away from Jostens grasp I climbed up the ladder into the roof. I had to get Warrens attention somehow and well kicked in the window. Soon after that he tackled me off the roof." "Get Doc!" 10K screamed at Warren. She ran inside the house and five minutes later emerged with a flustered Doc. I looked down at my ankle, the first time I looked honestly. It was all inflamed, it was a red purplish color.

Doc looked at my ankle and his eyes bulged. "Holy shot kid. What happened to you?" Warren pointed to Josten then explained the story. "Bring her inside and clear off a space." Doc said to 10K. Tommy picked my up bridal style and lead me inside. He set me down gently on the counter and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. "Do your stuff Doc." 10K said. He looked at me and I nodded telling him it was okay. We didn't have any morphine so the pain will be unbearable.

Warren placed a towel in my mouth so I wouldn't scream, much. Doc went to work. He cut my ankle with an Exo knife and I let out a muffled scream. Tears streamed down my face from the pain until I couldn't handle it any longer. Darkness flooded my vision, then my hearing cut out. I let out one last scream before I blacked out.
Hey guys thanks so much for reading!!! I know this chapter is kind of all over the place but I really wanted to get something out before I went to bed for the night! Anyways I wonder what happens to Fox!!!! Please Vote, Comment, and Recommend and I will see you all next chapter byeeeeeeee!!!!!!

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