Chapter Twenty One

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(Fox P.O.V)

"Allie?!" A familiar voice screamed.

"Allie!" It got closer.

"Allie!!!" It screamed once again.

My eyes shot open. My forehead was plastered with sweat. "Wha-wha?" I began. "It's okay, shh, you just had a nightmare." 10K cooed. His hands were on my shoulders so I assumed he was shaking me. I placed my hand on my head and shook my head. "Where am I?" I asked. 10K smiled and replied, "Somewhere between New York and California." "Doc already used that joke." I chuckled. "She's right!" I heard Doc yell from the inside of the truck. I smiled in his direction then faced 10K again.

He sighed and looked at me with caring eyes, "Was it about Jacob?" He asked. I starred at him in awe, how did he know? "Uhh, did you know?" I asked. "You said his name in your sleep over and over again." Tommy replied. I took my hand away from my head and looked at him. "I-I'm so so so S-Sorry." I said on the verge of tears. "What? Why? What's wrong?" 10K stammered.

"In m-my dream I j-just have up on y-you.  I l-let him bite me." "Who? Who did you let bite you?" He asked worriedly. "Jacob." I sobbed out. 10K wrapped me in a tight hug. I told him the remaining parts of the dream.
(10K P.O.V)

I held Fox in my arms as she told her dream. It sounded horrifying. I only had a dream like that when my dad had passed. I miss him...but it had to be done.

I turned to Allie when she finished her dream. "That sounds horrid," I said. "I-It was." She said. Tears escaped her eyes, she doesn't cry that often. I guess it's because of her brother, she doesn't mention him much.

I looked at her sympathetically. I know she doesn't like sympathy but for once she needed it. I wrapped my arms around fox and pulled her close to my chest. She smiled up at me and snuggled in closer. I began to pet her head until I heard soft snores. I chuckled to myself and let the soft bumps of the truck lull me to sleep.
(Fox P.O.V)

Flash back, first day of  apocalypse

I held the butter knife tightly in my hand. "Allie!" My mother screamed. I jumped into action and ran back to my camp. My mother was in a tree holding Jacob tightly. "Mum!" I yelled, my Irish accent more pronounced. The sick people surrounding the tree faced me, "Hey, I don't want to kill you, please I just need you to leave our camp." I reasoned. One of the sick men let out a low groan. I could see a bite mark on his neck, it oozed with puss. "Gross," I muttered.

The six people began to walk towards me, "I'll be back!" I screamed to my mother. She nodded down at me and held Jacob closer. The People began to shuffle after me. I ran as fast as I could into the forest. "Over here ass hats!" I yelled towards them. They emerged from the trees, casting an eerie silence over the woods. I looked at the trees surrounding me. I need to get in one. There weren't any branches low enough for me to grasp. I began to panic.

I looked over and saw a boulder near a tree, perfect. I leapt onto the boulder and pushed off. I propelled towards the tree and grabbed onto the trunk. I stuck the butter knife in to hold my weight a little bit. I reached up towards the nearest branch and leapt. I pulled my knife from the tree as I jumped. A felt the stick in my hand as I pulled myself onto the branch. "Yes." I whispered as I first bumped the air.

It was turning night when that horrid scream rang out. "Mum!" I screamed. I looked down at the forest floor a while fifteen feet below. I let out a shaky breath and jumped. I muffled my scream with my hands as my feet hit the floor. I heard a blood curdling pop from my ankle. I looked down and saw it was almost mutilated. I knew what I had to do, Josten taught me some survival skills. I grabbed my ankle a twisted it. The pop rang out again but this time the pop meant it was fixed. "A dislocated ankle won't stop me." I whispered to myself. I stood up with the help of the tree and began to run/limp to were I last saw my mum.

"Mum!" I yelled.

"Allie!" I heard an all to familiar voice call.

"Where are you!" I screamed.

"Follow my voice!" It rang out.

I emerged from the trees to see Josten hovering over my mother. "I told you to protect her!" He screamed at me.

"I'm sorry. There were sick everywhere a-and I had t-to run-" "I've heard enough from you!" Josten yelled. I began to shakily walk towards my mothers body. "No. She doesn't want to see you." Josten said. "Bu-" Jostens hand flew across my face, stopping my sentence. "There's no buts about anything! Your mother is dead! And your going to be the one to kill the thing she becomes!" Josten screamed.

I let out a shaky breath before I approached my dead mother. I kneeled down next to her and saw where the infected had bitten her. I looked at her marked neck. That mark always meant death.

The mark that people feared.

The mark the people dread.

The mark that marks the day you will no longer be yourself...or alive.

I grabbed the butter knife and placed it above my mothers skull. I was about to stab her when I saw her eyes twitch. "Mum? I knew you could survive it!" I yelled as I wrapped my mother in and embrace. She let out a low groan which I assumed was just from the pain in her neck, "Let's wrap that up mum." I said as I pulled away, but just as I did that she lunged at me and tackled me to the ground. She pinned me down and was now inches from my face. "Mum!!" I screamed.

Josten turned his head towards me and smirked. "Kill it." He said. I reached for my butter knife, holding my mum up wit one arm. I was centimeters away from the knife, but Josten kicked it away. "What the fuck!" I screamed as I put my arm back to supporting my mum. "Kill it." He repeated. "Help me! Please!" I cried out.

"You put this among yourself." He said.

"Josten! Please just hand me the knife, I'll do it!" I sobbed.

Josten just smirked and kicked my knife further away. "I will kill you!! That is a promise!" I screamed.

I got my feet under my mum and kicked up. She let out a groan that did not sound pretty, "I'm so sorry mum." I whispered.

I ran towards my knife and grabbed it firmly in my hand. My mum lunged at me again but this time she was met with my knife in her eye socket. I looked at my motionless mum, "I'm so so sorry." I said as I leaned over her body.

"A-Allie? Why'd y-you do t-that to m-mum." A small voice said behind me.

"J-Jacob." I said surprised. "She was sick a-and she asked me to end the suffering, she wasn't gonna make it." I said to him. Jacob looked at out mother then to me. "W-Where's J-Josten?" He asked. "Bastord." I muttered under my breath. "He was a coward and left." I said. Jacob looked at me with soft eyes before he ran and jumped into me. I caught him and snuggled him. "I promise nothing will happen to you, I promise you will be safe, I promise I will give you mercy." I whispered to him.

"I promise too." He replied.
End of flashback

I wiped away the tears as I though of my beautiful mother. I looked up at the stars and then to 10K who was fast asleep next to me. "I love you." I whispered as I nuzzled closer to him.

The mark that people fear

The mark that people dread

That mark that marks the day you shall never be yourself again....

Or alive.

Heyyyyyy!! It's been a while my lovely readers!!! Butttttttt I hope you enjoyed this chapter I tried to make it longer than usual. And I will try to get a second chalet out today, but were learning more about Fox's past. Yeaaaaaa! Please vote, comment, and Recommend. Because I really need some ideas guys. So please comment your amazing ideas!!! Credit will be given, trust meh! Anyways byeeeee!!!!!

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