Chapter Eight

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For those of you who don't know what a long bow is. There you go! Onto the chapter!!!!
(10K P.O.V)

I walked through the woods looking for my next meal. The forest had a dark eerie feel like always. A twig snapped somewhere and I followed the sound. It was the rabbit I saw earlier but it wasn't alone. A Z was chewing on the inside of its stomach cavity. "Gross." I said shooting the Z. "Three thousand ninety seven." I turned around and saw Warren behind me. "Come on, she's waking up." I swear I couldn't stop smiling until I reached the truck.
(Fox P.O.V)

I awoke confused and afraid. We're was I? I looked around and saw the bed of the truck. I sighed with relief, thank God. I tried to sit up but was forced back down by a hand. I followed the hand up to a figure, 10K. "You need to rest," he said as he sharpened a stick. "How long was I out?" I asked. "About a week." "What?!" "Hey, that's why you don't pass out and scare people to death." He said. "At least tell me where on earth we are?" I asked. "About four miles away from the place you got shot." "What? We didn't move?" I asked. "Yea if the truck bounced around to much, and we know it will with Warren driving, your shoulder wouldn't heal. But honestly it's pretty much all healed and ready to go." He said.

Warren walked up, "Allie eh?" I blushed then glared at 10K. "He wouldn't stop yelling it after you got shot, he also mumbled it in his sleep." I couldn't help but chuckle, it hurt. A lot. "I did not." 10K growled. "Don't deny it." Warren teased. 10K blushed and then glanced at me. I swear his hazel eyes actually twinkled. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks and soon turned away.

"Where's Taz?" I asked. He jumped into the truck, "Speak of the devil." I muttered. He licked my face. "Hey! That's his." Warren motioned towards 10K. The entire group laughed, I couldn't help but giggle. 10K just looked away blushing even redder which I didn't think was possible.

I sat up, this time no hand stopping me. I scooted to the end of the truck, who's latch was open and pulled down. Warren walked away to the rest of the group, who were over in a nearby store "Time to go." Warren said after a few minutes of silence. Everyone loaded into the truck, including Taz who got in the back seat with Addy, Mach, Cassandra, and Doc. The truck began to move as soon as 10K hit his hand on the side of the truck.

The car lurched forward and my shoulder instantly hurt. I tried to hide it but to no avail. "Hurts?" 10K asked. "Yea." I said. 10K put his arm around me as we drove down the road. He pulled me close to his chest. It wasn't forcefully like most hugs, it was light like he wasn't trying to break me.
Night slowly crept upon us. I could hear the moans of Z's all around. We stopped in front of a small little town house. I hopped off the truck, my shoulder stinging with the sudden movement. Taz hopped down from the truck too. He nudged me in the leg pushing me towards the house. I laughed, "Good boy."

Doc walked up to the door and opened it quickly. A zombies launched from the door way and tackled him. "Doc!" Warren yelled pulling her gun from its holster. The zombie fell limp to the floor before she could shoot. She looked at the throwing knife in its head then at me, "Hey, not everyone's right handed, I'm switch handed." I said motioning to my hurt shoulder.

I walked over to Doc and pulled out the throwing knife. 10K pulled the zombie off of him and helped Doc up. "Well let's finish clearing the house." Warren said. I laughed a bit and walked in the house with my long bow raised. I walked up the steps quietly get quickly and peered into the rooms. "All clear!" I yelled from the top of the steps. I ran back down stairs to the rest of the group. "Okay sleeping arrangements. "Fox how many rooms were there?" Warren asked. "Three." I answered simply.

"Okay, Cassandra and I, Mach and Addy, Murphy and Doc the couches again, and Fox and 10K, again." She said. "So same arrangements as last time?" I asked, "Basically." Addy responded. Taz galloped through the door barking like a mad man. "What is it Taz?" I asked. He ran back out the door and a single gun shot fired. "Taz!" I screamed. I ran outside to find Taz safely tucked under a bench. No harm done. But the people outside were a different story.

"Where's my arm?!" The guy yelled. "I know that bastard took it!" He yelled motioning to Taz. "It's in a bush back in Philadelphia!" Warren yelled back. The guys frown turned even more towards the ground. "Nice guy." I muttered. The group of men looked at Addy, and I. "Well let it slide if we have an hour with the girls." He said pointing at both Addy and I. Mach stepped in front of Addy and said, "Over my dead body." The guy looked at his buddies and they laughed. They walked closer now about arms length away. "Then we'll share this one." The man said taking hold of my arm with his only hand.

Taz growled at the man and jumped from his hiding spot biting him in the arm. He screamed and slapped Taz away. "Taz!" I cried out as the man grabbed tighter on my arm. 10K ran from the house seeing the situation take place. The mans crew help everyone at gun point, no one could save me now. 10K looked at me with pained eyes, but they soon hardened. He ran to the man as gun shots fired. They some how all missed. He lunged himself at the man, clawing, scratching, even biting.

The man yelled out in pain as he threw 10K to the ground. I ran to his side grabbing his hand. He looked up at me and moved a strand of my hair from my face. The man had enough, he grabbed my arm again and pulled me close, "Your mine." He said. "In your dreams." I growled as I plunged my concealed knife into his groin. He fell to the ground, keeled over in pain. "You bitch." He sneered. "I'll see you in hell fucker." I said as I pulled my hand gun to his temple and pulled the trigger, "Four." I muttered putting away my gun. The rest of his mafia ran back into the woods, hiding from us.

I looked at the rest of the group, they were stunned. Their hands were still raised like the guns were still pointed at them. Addy was the first to move and ran to embrace me. I hugged her back signaling I was okay. The next thing I did was run to 10K's side, who was still in the ground. "I'm fine." He wheezed. Warren carried Taz over. I looked at my dog and embraced him as he licked my face letting me know he was okay.

Everyone walked inside to address what had just happened. Taz followed Addy inside. 10K and I decided to walk around the house. When we were in the side of the house he stopped causing me to stop too. "What?" I asked. "That was to close." He said grabbing my hand and spinning me towards him. "Yea your telling me." I muttered. "No. I'm not joking this time." He said sternly. "What if they actually took you." He said, his eyes getting glossed over from the tears that were forming. "That will never happen, I'll never leave you." I said wiping the tear that escaped from his eyes.

He grabbed my chin, "Promise me." He said pulling me closer. "I promise." I said starring into his eyes. He placed his other hand on my hip and I didn't object. "Allie?" "Yes Tommy." "I-I love you." He said as he leaned in closing the distance between us.

He lips were so soft and smooth. They seemed to fit perfectly together. It all made so much sense he was my missing half. I kissed him back pulling him closer. My fingers tracked to his midnight hair, entangling them in an enchanted forest. He smiled into the kiss which caused me to smile too. He pulled away even though I knew he didn't want to. "I love you too." I said nuzzling into his chest.

"Finally!!!" The group shouted from a nearby open window. I chuckled and pulled 10K back into another kiss, this time he didn't pull away.
Ahhhh!!! I did it I know I'm so mother truckin happy just like all of you!!! They kissed ahhh!!!! Okay no more freak outs. Just one more? Okay, okay. I get it. Lol any ways please Like, Comment, and recommend.

P.S. I have decided to write a Carl Grimes Fan Fiction the first chapter should either be out this weekend or Monday!!! Yayayagayayayayayay!!!!!! Okay now bye.

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