Chapter Five

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(I'd like to dedicate this next chapter to Rixxey for voting on every chapter!!! Thank you so much for the support Rixxey!!!!)

I awoke with a start, white fiber blinded me. I tried to scream but soon discovered there was a towel in my mouth. I started rocking back and fourth in the chair. Muffled screams came from next to me. The bag was then lifted off my head.

Addy was next to me and we locked eye contact. We started to scream but they were all muffled. Soon the towel was ripped from my mouth. "I will kill all of you!" I screamed. "There's no need for that sweetie." Said a weird man. He had a small beard and a pedophile looking face. "Trust me, I would be mad if someone knocked me out and took me too." Said the man. "Then why do it?!" I shouted, I was starting to get really irritated.

"Because we need you." He said calmly. "You must be hungry, eat please." "We're not hungry!" Addy spoke up. "Oh but you will be soon." That man said. "Tobias." The guy said. "Follow Stormy and Moonshine so you guys can get some new clothes." Tobias said. They untied our hands and I refused at first, until a knife was held to my throat, telling me to move.

I got up and followed the girls. 'Or sluts.' I thought. They lead us to a RV to get dressed in. "I'm not wearing this shit!" I called out after seeing the clothes. It just consisted of a black bra  and short jean shorts, that was it. "Hey it's better than what I have to wear." Said Addy with a scoff. I sighed and put the clothes on. We walked out of the RV and Addy said, "We look like post-apocalyptic strippers." I laughed at the remark.  "We kind of do." I said making Addy laugh. She sighed, "Were are you Mach." She said under her breath. "He really loves you, I can tell." I said. "Yea." She said a little saddened by the topic, "I hope he finds us." she said, "I hope so too." I replied. 

Addy started to walk around and I followed her like a  lost puppy. "Lets go in this tunnel." Addy said, "Maybe its a way out." "Okay." I replied. We both walked inside and were instantly on our knees puking from the smell. We both stood back up as slowly as possible, "You good?" I asked. "Yea." She said on the brink of tears. We walked over to a sheet. I gripped Addy's hand tight, she squeezed my hand to symbolize we were okay. "I hope were not having dog." Addy said a little discussed. I took my free hand and lifted up one side of the cloth, A pair of legs. "Oh god." I said Addy went to the other side of the cloth and picked it up. We both screamed as a male face looked back at us. "OH MY GOD!" We yelled. We rushed from the tunnel only to be met by Tobias's open arms, "Suppers ready!" He called as Addy and I  cried for our lives.


Addy and I both sat right next to 'Mother'. "She freaks me out." I whispered to Addy. She nodded her head then looked down at the floor. Soon Tobias came in with the man from earlier, his mouth was sewn up and he was missing his legs, "Try some." Tobias said. "I'm good." I replied. "That wasn't a question, that was and order!" Tobias yelled slamming his fist on the table.  "We got a live one." one of Tobias's men said. Tobias smiled and grabbed both Addy and I by the hair, dragging us to the gate. "Mach!" Addy yelled, "Addy!" Mach responded. "I hear you have my Sunshine?" Tobias asked, "Just hand over the girls and nothing happens." Warren growled. Tobias laughed and said, "I'll give you back the redhead for free, but this one here" Tobias gestured to me, "Is staying." Warren looked at me, then at Addy. "Deal." "What?!" Addy yelled. "Just go I-I'll be fine I promise." I said. Warren looked at me with sad eyes, she then mouthed 'We'll be back.' and winked.

I looked to 10K who was in a nearby tree, tears streaked his cheeks and his eyes were bloodshot red. "Go!" I yelled. He ran to truck and hopped in. tears ran down my face as my group left. 10K looked back and saw me then mouthed 'I lo-' Then stopped as they hit a bump and he tumbled into the truck.



"Mother is so glad you decided to stay!" Tobias said happily. "I didn't decide shit!" I yelled struggling against the restraints that held me to the chair. Tobias and some of his men starred at me. They chuckled and took a shot of vodka. I honestly started to loose hope, but then I heard a bark, "Taz?" I muttered under my breath. "Fresh meat!" The guy from earlier yelled. "Your up Glitter." Tobias said to me, God I hated that name. I walked to the RV that the guy was in I walked in and just about pissed myself, the door shut behind me. "Doc what the hell are you doing here?" I asked in a hushed voice. He sighed then said, "Warren thought it would be to risky to come and get you with Murphy on the line, but Addy said 'No' and 10K just hasn't been the same, He doesn't talk anymore, hes kind of become mute." I started to rethink everything, this group actually cared for me! Well except Warren, but still I have Addy, 10K, Mach, Doc, and Taz that is honestly all I care about! "How's Taz?" I asked. "Hasn't eaten the whole time you've been gone, hasn't even slept." Doc replied. "Awe my poor pup." I said.

Music started to blare from outside, "What the f-" "Follow me!" Doc cut me off. I ran after him and saw a new truck with a speaker on top. "Wow." I whistled."No time lets go!" Shouted Doc as He hobbled to the truck. I ran to the truck as well and hopped into the trunk, "Taz!" I yelled giving my dog a hug. He licked my cheek and then he put his head in my lap. "Wheres 10K?" I asked a little to soon. I looked forward and saw a man running at me full speed. I held Taz close to me, then a shot rang out. I looked up into a tree and saw 10K starring down at me. He jumped out of the tree and rolled onto  the ground. He hopped in startled me with something. He wrapped his arms around me and din't let go.

I just sat there like an idiot for a minute but soon hugged him back. "Lets go the bitch is back!" Yelled Murphy, I glared at him and the went back to my real friends. "I managed to steal this just before I got in the tree." 10k said holding up my bag. "Holy shit! you got everything!" I yelled as I rummaged through the bag, even the graham crackers were still there. I chuckled and pulled the pouch out, I gave one to Taz and then Handed one to 10K, "To friends." I said holding my cracker up. "To friends." He repeated as we sped away from that horrid camp.


Hey guys Wolf here thanks for reading this chapter! The next one will either be up later Tonight, Tomorrow, or Thursday, Lots of T's lol. Anyways please Like, Comment, and Recommend! I'll see you all later Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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