Chapter Twelve

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(10K P.O.V)

I watched as Fox slept comfortably in my arms. She had fallen asleep on the roof so I brought her to the bed. I smiled down at her wondrous face. She described perfection.

She stirred in her sleep. She curled into me more as her eyes fluttered open. "What time is it?" She asked lazily. "Maybe three, four in the morning." I said. "Get some sleep." She said, sleep starting to overwhelm her again. I chuckled as small snores erupted from her figure.

My eyes began to get heavy and I found myself being taken by sleep as well.
My eyes fluttered open and scanned the room. They soon landed on Fox in the corner changing. Thankfully her undergarments were on. I felt the heat rush to my checks. I strangely couldn't find myself to look away, even though I knew I should have. I sat up in the bed. Fox turned and caught my gaze.

She had on a tank top with a skin tight tank top, which I assumed helped her move faster, with rips. She still hadn't put on her jeans which caused me to blush more. Her checks turned a bright shade of pink as she put in her skinny jeans. "I-" "Don't be." She cut me off. I smiled as she chuckled. "Come on, pack up. We're leaving soon." She said. I nodded my head and pulled myself out of bed, I sleep in my everyday clothes so I didn't have to worry about changing.

I grabbed my pre packed bag and walked out our door. Fox emerged five minutes later with her bow, katana, and rifle slung around her back along with a back pack on her shoulder. "You need to get rid of some of those." I said. She playfully glared at me before responding, "In your dreams, I'll just leave the rifle in the truck." I chuckled as I shook my head. "Oh and I found this under the bed." She said pulling out a black sash which looked like it used to be on a purse.

"Emergencies only." Fox said as she tied it around her body. "Let's go." I laughed out slinging my arm around her shoulder. We ran downstairs with Taz on our heals, "Let's go face eaters!" Murphy called out. I laughed as his name but Allie just glared. I climbed into the bed of the truck and helped Fox up. She then pulled Taz up, "Thank god we're getting out of that house. That's a bad luck house!" Doc exclaimed. Doc giggled beside me and I couldn't help but laugh too.

The trucks ignition blared making me cringe at the noise. The truck lurched forward but soon sputtered and stopped. Everyone hopped out, "See I told you this was a bad luck house." Doc joked. Fox laughed again at his cheesy joke. I just smiled and shook my head. "I can check it out." I volunteered. Warren nodded. I walked over to the side of the truck and pulled myself under.
(Fox P.O.V)

I watched as 10K poured half our water into the truck. "Is this necessary?" Murphy asked. "Do you want to walk? Or do you want to drive?" Warren questioned. Murphy sighed and hopped back in the truck. "All patched up." 10K said happily.

10K took my hand and lead me to the bed of the truck once again. He helped me up then hopped in himself. Taz licked my face telling me he was happy I was back. The truck began to move this time with no sputtering. "Wanna see something cool?" 10K asked. "Always." I laughed. 10K grabbed onto the railing on the truck and pulled himself up so that he was standing in the truck. I gawked at him. He held out his hand for me to take and I did.

The wind embraced my face as I saw the trees whiz past. 10K held my hand tighter than before. "What!" I yelled, the wind blocking my voice a bit. "Stop the truck!" 10K screamed. The truck slammed on the brakes as 10K hopped out. "What is it kid?" Warren asked hopping out of the truck. He pointed towards a gas station, "There might be supplies in here to fix the truck." He said. "Good eye kid." Warren said.

Warren looked across the road towards a small grocery store. "You think you and Fox can check out the gas station while the rest of us take the grocery stare." She said. He nodded and Warren smiled. "Alright be safe kids." Warren said. I chuckled as I hopped out of the bed of the truck. "Hey Warren can you take Taz?" I asked. "Of course." Warren said, a smile playing at her lips. I lagged again at her reticules fantasy, "Shall we?" He said. "We shall." I replied.

10K and I waltzed into the station. I browsed around the store waiting for a Z to pop out. None came. I glanced over the shelfs and saw many car parts. "Any of these parts needed?" I asked. 10K looked at the parts and picked one up. "This one." He simply said. I smiled and took the part from his hand and stuffed it into my bag. "Let's find some supplies." I purred. 10K smirked as we walked hand in hand around the store.

10K starred at me. "What?" I asked jokingly. "Nothing. You just have something in your hair." He said. 10K grabbed something from my hair and held it in front of me. A rose. I grinned as he put the rose back in my hair. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "You never cease to surprise me." I said. 10K smiled that funny smile of his. "Before this hit I actually wanted to be a magician." He said. "Your joking." I said. "Nope." "Really?" I asked, "Yup." "Wow..." I laughed.

"What did you want to be?" He questioned. "I honestly wanted to be an author or a poet." I said. He gave me that look of his, "Lemme hear one." "One what?" I asked. "A poem." He said with an obvious tone. I chuckled before replying. "No way." "Oh come on!" He complained. I laughed agin. "In your dreams." I cooed. He gave me a pouting face that I couldn't refuse. "Fine!" I yelled. He fist bumped the air in achievement which caused me to laugh.

I sighed before stating one of my best poems I had written,

"It cries out to the world, mad at its brethren
For it is forgotten, even by the Heavens
It was once so wide trees had to look up at it
And once so wide mountains couldn't compare to it
You could even say it was cleaner than soap
But we give it nothing, not even hope
Every once and a while we do give it something
It's mainly trash, pollution, and useless duehickes
It was once more important than everyone even Spartacus
Fore it is air lost in loneliness"

10K starred at me before saying, "You didn't make that." "I did, turned it in as my ELA poem project." I said. "That was amazing. It's about how people damage the air, right?" "Spot on." I said. 10K grinned at me, "Do another one." He demanded like a toddler. "Later." I laughed out. I picked up a jar of peanut butter, "Score!" I yelled. 10K laughed as he walked over to me and glanced at the peanut butter. "Your sharing." He said. "No promises." I responded.

He smiled at me before attempting to grab it from my hands. I was too quick and jumped on the cashier counter before he could even touch it. "Nice try." I laughed out.

A force jammed itself against my ankle and I let out a scream. 10K ran behind the counter but was met with the but of a gun. "Tommy!" I exclaimed. I looked down and saw a hand grasping my ankle. It pulled back making me loose my balance. I fell forward and hit my head on the counter, somehow still conscious. Boots made there way over towards me, they must think I'm knocked out. I let them get as close as possible as I pulled out a concealed knife, thankfully unnoticed.

I jammed the knife into my attackers boot and jumped up. "Bitch!" The man yelled. I reached for my katana but my hand was stopped my another. There were two! The man I had stabbed licked himself up and stepped towards me. The but of a gun was whacked against my head. Darkness overwhelmed the room before I fell limp in the mans arms.
Omg!!! I hope there okay!!! I thought I'd post a second chapter today just for all your lovely faces!! Anyways please Like, Comment, and Recommend!!! Ill see you all sometime this week!!! Byeeeeee!!!

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