Chapter Sixteen

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(Addy P.O.V)

Warren said that we would head out in the morning. I can't believe shes actually saying this?! Sometimes I don't even think she likes Fox. Maybe its the fact that she always threatens Murphy but its not like she would actually risk her chances. Right?

Well now it was day and we set out on our journey. I was so excited. I began to jump up and down over and over again like a giddy school girl. "Addy. Calm down child." Warren said. "Well I'm sorry Mach, Doc, Taz, and I are the only ones that care for Fox and 10K." I scoffed. "That's now true and you know it." Warren muttered. "Then why have you been trying to get rid of Fox ever since she joined us?" A growled.

Warren rubbed her eyes like she had a head ache. "It's complicated." She said. "Tell me!" I yelled. "No!" Warren yelled back. "Warren for fucks sake! I'm sick of this shit! You hate her more than Murphy! You tried to leave her behind with cannibals for gods sake!" Mach butted in. Warren sighed, she finally broke. "Look," we all stopped walking as Warren faced us, "I recognized Fox pre Z." "What does this have to do with anything?" I asked. Warren glared at me and continued her story.

"She went to school with my nephew. No one in that school liked her. No matter how hard she tried, no one would talk to her. But one day she broke. After a kid had shoved her into a locker, which was my nephew, she punched him. I don't want her around because she's unstable! She could snap on Murphy any second!" She shouted. My face hardened and I stormed off. "Addy!" Mach yelled.

"I'm going to find them!" I screamed. I couldn't handle Warren right now. What a bitch.
(Fox P.O.V)

10K and I walked out of the empty city hand in hand. "I'm glad we're getting out of there." He muttered. "Yea, we can wait for them in a different town." I said. He smiled down at me and pulled me to him. He swung his arm around my shoulder and kissed the top of my head. "Eww when's the last time you showered?" He joked. I liked up at him and playfully rolled my eyes, "When the last time you flossed." I said as I scrunched my face.

He laughed, "You could clean them for me." He said as he tried to kiss me. I pushed him back while laughing, "Eww nobody wants yo nasty teeth." I joked. He laughed and grabbed a flosser from his backpack pocket. "Happy?" He asked as he finished. "Very." I laughed.

We walked by an abandoned radio store, why haven't we thought of this earlier. I grabbed 10K's hand and pulled him towards it. He looked at me asking for an explanation. "Citizen Z could probably direct us to them." I said. The realization sunk in and he began to get excited. "On three open the door." I said. He nodded and ran to the door. "One," I pulled out my bow, "two," I knocked an arrow in place, "three!" I exclaimed.

Tommy opened the door and a Z rushed me. I released my arrow and it landed right between the eyes. "Nice shooting." 10K said. I smiled and put my bow back around my chest. I drew my katana seeing as I haven't used it in a while. We walked inside and the aroma hit me. The Oder was so strong, it was like walking in a fish factory.

I pulled my shirt over my nose and began to walk through the store. I picked up a small hand held radio and tested the battery. It crackled to life signaling it still had juice. I held it up and 10K gave me a thumbs up. "Citizen Z? Are you there? I repeat Citizen Z? Are you there?" I spoke this into the hand held radio. I was about to give up until I heard a voice call back. "Fox- you?" The radio was cutting out. "Yes Z it's me. Can you hear me?" "Loud and clear Fox." Thank god the radio cut out. I smiled and 10K yelled in triumph.

"How's the package?" He asked. "Uhh... about that." I said, "Oh God what happened?" He sounded worried. "Well we got separated from the group about a day and a half ago, and we need to find them." I said. "Umm let me take a look." He said. I heard a bunch of keys being pressed, it sounded like he was slamming his face into the key board. "All right there bud?" I spoke into the radio. I just heard a grunt from his end. "Must be working hard." 10K said from behind me. I jumped and the top of my head connected with his chin.

"Ow." I groaned and rubbed my head. "Everything okay over there?" Z asked. "Yea just 10K sneaking up on people." I answered. "Oh, your with 10, hmm." He said. "What do you mean you that?" 10K grabbed the radio from my hand. "Nothing, just makes it easier to find your location." I took my finger off the talk button and turned to 10K. "You have to stop doing that." I scolded, "I love you but at times you can be a bafoon." I said. 10K nodded his head and pulled me into a hug.

"I found them." Z said. I smiled and put my finger on the button again, "Awesome, how far away are they?" I asked. "About ten miles back the way you came." He said. "Thank you so much Z." I said. "No-blem-ox." He was begging to cut out. I sighed once the radio died. I threw it at the wall and it broke. "Woah hulk." 10K said. I couldn't help but smile. We were finally going to find them.
(Three hours later)

10K and I finally reached the forest we were once in, and no signs of Courtney either. 10K smiled down at me and I smiled back. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we walked through the woods. "We should probably camp here for the night." He said. I nodded and watched the moon rise higher into the sky. I used my ice pick and began to climb a tree. Shouting caught my attention.

10K looked towards the direction too. We both ran towards it but stayed in the cover of the shadows. I ducked behind a bush waiting for the figure to walk by. Our group came into view and I almost jumped out with excitement. I missed them so much! They all turned away and 10K and I jumped from the bush. "Addy!" I screamed. She turned and was soon knocked to the ground by me. "Fox!" She screamed.

She hugged me back. Taz ran to join the hug. He began to lick my face and I giggled. Thank god there okay. 10K ran strait to Doc. He stuck out his hand but Doc hugged him. "Well son of a bitch." Warren said looking at me. "We're'd you go?" She asked. I smiled and wiped the tears from my eyes. This was going to be a long night.
(A few days later)

We decided to stay in the woods a little longer to catch up and share our adventures.

I was starting to get hungry, "I'm going to go hunt." I said. "I'll go with you." 10K said pulling me into a hug. I smiled and pulled away from the embrace, "I'm going to go alone, I need to clear my head. Okay?" I said. 10K nodded sadly and pulled me into a kiss.

"Oh just go already." Murphy whined. 10K and I broke the kiss. I bent down to Taz and pet his head. I smiled and waved to them as I headed into the woods.

I ran through the trees with my bow raised. I didn't make a sound as my feet grazed over the grass towards out next meal. I stopped running when I appeared three yards away from a rabbit. I pulled my arrow back and shot. I ran to the skewered rabbit and removed my arrow. I made it a quick painless death. I picked the rabbit up and tied it to my belt. I did this about three more times with three different rabbits before I decided this was enough. I unhooked the rabbits from my belt and held them in my hand. I smiled and began to make my way back towards camp.

"She's unstable!" I heard Warren yell. I approached them a few seconds ago. I hid behind a nearby bush, who's unstable? I thought. "Fox isn't unstable." 10K argued. "She kind of is." Addy agreed. "I mean at times yeah-" I jumped from the bushes cutting him off, "Unstable huh?" I asked. The tears began to stream down my face, even my boyfriend thought I was unstable. "Allie no it's not like that." 10K said grabbing arm. "Don't touch me!" I yelled pulling from his grasp.

"Enjoy your fucking rabbits!" I yelled as I threw them down. 10K tried to reach out for me again but Taz growled at him. "Allie please." He said. I turned ran off into the woods, I couldn't take this right now. Taz ran behind me making sure no one followed. The tears blinded me so I couldn't see a foot in front of me. I into something hard. I feel to the ground. I started to fade out.

Why would he agree? I asked myself before darkness consumed me.
Hey guys I hope you enjoyed he chapter!!!! I need to ask you all a favor, I have hit awful writers block and I need ideas it would be so helpful if you were able to comment some!!! Anyways please vote, comment, and Reccomend! Talk to you all next chapter!! Byeeeeee!!!!!!

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