Chapter Twenty Three

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That morning I woke up to soft lips on my cheek. I grunted then proceeded to push the warmth off my cheek, "Come on." A voice whined. My eyes crept open and I peered at my handsome boyfriend, "Good morning to you too." I muttered.

"Everyone up and at em!!!!" Warrens voice called from downstairs. I heard groans in the next room over, I assumed that Mach and Addy had just woken up. I sighed and stood from the bed. 10K got up as well and walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close, "I love you." He cooed in my ear, "I love you too." I cooed back.

"You sure about that?" He said. I raised my eyebrow at him. He smirked and tackled me to the bed. "10K." I said. He just smirked again and began to kiss my cheek. He slowly moved down to my neck. Once he reached the base of my neck he began to nibble, "T-Tommy-y." I said stifling a small moan.

The door burst open as I was about to speak again, "Okay you two! Out!" Warren screeched. 10K hopped off me with Warren giving him a death glare, it's nice to know she's actually starting to care about me.

I couldn't help but crack a smile at 10K. He looked like a puppy that was just refused a biscuit. "Awe someone's sad." I playfully pouted. Tommy playfully rolled his eyes, Warren just glared at us. She shook her head and walked out, "Be ready to leave in five!" She yelled. I giggled and walked over to 10K who was still huddled in the corner, "Don't be scared of her." I laughed out. He smiled and engulfed me in a hug, "We better get going before she yells at us again." He said. I smiled and grabbed my bag from behind him. "Lets go!" I chirped.

I opened the door and found Taz lying next to it, "I'm sorry buddy! I forgot to let you in!" I exclaimed. I threw my arms around him and burred my face into his soft fur. I took a deep breath in and discovered he didn't smell like zombie guts, "Who gave Taz a bath!" I yelled down the stairs. Murphy popped his head into the hall and smiled. Doc poked his head into the hall too, but from a different room. I swear, If I were younger I could mistake that man for Santa. A very drugged out Santa.

"I gave him a bath this morning!" Doc chirped, "The hose is the only thing workin'" He finished. "Awe your all squeaky clean aren't cha?" I cooed to my dog. He barked happily and ran down the hall. I laughed and walked towards the steps. Taz leapt down them like the crazy dog he was.

I jumped down after him. We both reached the landing at the same time, "Winner!" I screeched as I pointed to myself, "We weren't even racing." Tommy grumbled. I giggled, "Don't be a sore loser." "We weren't racing!" He screamed. I coward back a bit. 10K looked at me, sympathy crossing his face. "I-I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me." He said as he held his head.

I forced a smile, "It's okay." "Let's go!" Warren screeched from the kitchen, "Jesus she sounds like a velociraptor." I said. Murphy came down the stairs laughing, "A velociraptor eh?" "Yea, so what?" I crossed my arms over my chest. Murphy just chuckled and continued his trek to the front door.

"You ready?" Tommy asked, "As I'll ever be." I muttered, and with that we walked out the door with our bags flung around our shoulders and Taz on my heels.
(??? P.O.V)

The sound of an engine roaring woke me from my sleep, finally, I thought. I pulled myself from my sleeping bag and stepped out of the staff room. The tile clicked under my feet as I adjusted my heels, I had to look my best when I saw him.

I smiled as I though of him, oh this will be perfect! I exclaimed in my head. I fixed my skin tight dress so that I was showing a bit more cleavage. He'll love me I these clothes, he'll defiantly dump that chick for me. Besides she doesn't show her body, I can see that he wants someone who can do that.

I glanced around the shop looking for my friend. I sighed, she's probably gone into the woods to find food again, I thought. The engine out side shut off and I took my place behind the counter.

The ring of the bell on the door erupted, telling me that someone was here. I smiled thinking that I could see him again. Soon he emerged from the shelf and looked at me, he was star struck. Then she appeared. She growled at my presence, "Awe baby! You must be star struck by someone of my curves." I said gesturing to myself.

He seemed to glare then wrapped his arm around the girl once again, "I will never be star struck by you. All I need is her." He said as he looked lovingly at the girl wrapped in his arms. "Awe, it's a shame she couldn't listen. It's a shame neither of you could." I pouted.

I pulled my concealed gun from behind the counter and aimed. The girl was quick though, she already had her weapon raised, "Aren't you smart!" I cooed. "Anyone can be smarter than you." She growled. I couldn't help but chuckle, "Your comebacks are just like your looks, dull."

The man glared at me and stood in front of the girl, "Leave her alone, we just came for some supplies we'll be on our way." I smirked and fired my gun just to the left of the girls head, "No ones leaving!" I yelled. "Oh just leave us alone-"
(Fox P.O.V)

"Oh just leave us alone Courtney!" The name was like acid on my tongue. "Make me." She cooed. She fidgeted in her red skin tight dress, she was scared. I smirked and fired my arrow. She ducked just in time.

Courtney hopped the counter and grabbed 10K before I could reload my bow. I growled. She smirked as she slowly pulled Tommy away from me and behind the counter, "One move! That's all it takes!" She screamed. I reached back into my quiver to grab an arrow, nothing, "Looking for these!" Courtney yelled as she held up my arrows, "How did you-" "I have my ways!"

I was infuriated. I was out of ideas, except one crazy one that could work. I drew my katana from its sheath, "What are you gonna do with that? Rush me? That will end even worse!" She said. I hate it when people patronize me, but this was even worse.

I hate this bitch! That kept replaying in my mind. "Fox!" Warren yelled as she entered the store. She turned the corner and saw the situation. "What the fu-" "One more move and he's dead!" Courtney screamed.

"I'm sick of this." I muttered. I put the hand of my katana on the bow string and pulled back. I let out a breath and aimed for her head that was popped out behind 10K's. Doubts kept crossing my mind, I'm gonna miss, I never miss, your going to kill him, no I'm going to kill her! I was done! I let out an irritated scream and released my hold on the string and katana.

A bone chilling crack erupted from the body. It hit the floor with great might. I let out a wail, what have I done I thought.

What have I done
I'm so fluffing sorry!!!! It's been too long!!! It's just school is a pain in my stroodle!!!! I feel awful! But please like, comment, and recommend to yo friends! And who did she shoot? Comment who you think Fox shot!!! Love you all! Bye!!!

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