Chapter 10: confronting and comforting

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*Maddie's POV*
I woke up an hour ago and dad and the boys were practicing downstairs. They have a concert in 5 hours then we're leaving for the airport in the morning. I was packing when I got a call. Guess from who... Yup you guessed right.Zack. He's been calling and texting non stop. I caught Addie up, but she said she's not choosing sides but called it fucked up. I don't disagree with her I mean what would you do if that was you family member and friend. I went downstairs to the basement and what them finishing there song Voodoo Doll.
"Won't you stop loving me to death." Uncle Calum finished it off. Tbh that song is my favorite one of there's because it reminds me of my past and it has true lyrics.
"Hey Maddie." Dad said sitting next to me."you done packing?"
"No I was just taking a break." I said as he nodded.
"Okay well we're going to Starbucks after this wanna tag along?" He asked as I nodded and went upstairs to change. I got to my room and changed my greedy tank top to a brown tank top then threw on a tan light jacket and Martin skinny jeans. I put on my combat boots and put my hair into a side fishtail braid. I threw in a necklace and grabbed my iPod and phone then went back downstairs.
"Ready?" Mikey asked as u nodded we all piled into the car and Calum took my phone.
"Hey give it back" I said as he shook his head.
"We're gonna listen to your music." He said as I nodded.
"You could've asked." I said giggling as the put it in the AUX cord. Dad blasted it and it played "come as you are" by Nirvana. We got there and walked in.
"At least now it won't be weird anymore" I said as dad looked at me.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"Cody used to work here remember?" I said as he made an "o"shape with his mouth. We ordered and sat down.
"So how's your songs going?" Calum asked as I thought about.
"I'm suppose to have at least thirteen songs by the time we're back and I finished 3 and I'm working on two." I explained as they all nodded.
"So are you excited for the tour?" Dad asked me as I shrugged.
"Honestly I am but I'm not." I said as Mikey gave me a look.
"The hates has gotten worse and it just gonna get worse." I mumbled but I think Luke heard me.
"Hate?" Luke asked as I nodded.
"I've been getting hate when you guys mentioned that I got adopted. Everyone tells me to ignore it, but it's hard to. I have this feeling that it's just going to get worse." I said looking down at my hands. Dad grabbed my hand and rubbed it a little.
"We will try to stop it. Is it all fans?" I shook my head no. Then pulled out my phone showing him that one if the fans started a #staystrongMadeline!
"Well at least your have almost half the fans sticking up for you." Mikey mentioned as I nodded.
"Yeah" I said as my phone went off. I looked at it and it said Jimmy.
"Hello.....yeah this is she....what?....yeah I think that could happen I'll have to talk to dad.....okay bye." That did not just happen. I hung up and all of them looked at me as I smirked.
"Your daughter has her first official concert a month after we get back." I said as all of them smiled and congratulated me.
"This is definitely gonna be the good life." I said as all of them laughed we finished our drinks and got home. I went upstairs and finished packing. Here's the stuff I put in my suit case.

10 sweat shirts
10 sweats
15 T-shirts
15 tank tops
5 yogas
5 leggings
15 skinny jeans
2 bikinis
20 each of girl stuff
My MacBook Pro and charger
My black box that has blades in it (emergencies only)
Body wash
And my stay strong necklace
I took my luggage downstairs and grabbed my other suitcase which had...

Combat boots
Black converses
Purple high tops
Purple vans
Black and white vans
Brown and black toms
Black flip flops
White flip flops
I took both of them by the door so that way dad can put them in the car. They had an hour left until the concert and honestly I couldn't wait to listen to Voodoo Doll.
"Maddie let-" dad said but stopped."sorry I thought you were upstairs."
"No it's good"I said as he put on his red bandanna.  Dad was wearing a ripped Nirvana shirt with black skinny jeans and combat boots with his red bandanna. Luke was wearing his flannel and black skinny jeans with black vans. Mikey was wearing his greenday t shirt with black skinny jeans and black high tops with his blonde hair and black strip down the middle.
Calum was wearing a plain grey t shirt with a leather jacket over it. His black skinny jeans and black and while vans a black beanie showing his blonde highlights in his bangs.
"Leggo" Luke said as we piled in the car. We got to the concert and Jimmy was there. I was confused but I figured it's because he's my manager or something.
"Hey you ready?" Jimmy asked as I gave him a confused look.
"Uh I'm not performing am I?"
"Yeah we talk about it."
"Oh shit that's right yeah I guess I am."
"You don't have to sing one of your songs if you don't want to." Dad said as I looked at him.
"No it's fine"
"No you can sing Voodoo doll because we know you like it so much." He said as I looked at him and the boys.
"Are you sure?" They nodded.
"Okay then" I said as we got on the stage.
"So we have an opener for this concert. Most of you know her as Maddie Irwin my niece, Ashton's daughter. Well she is going to be singing outer song Voodoo Doll." Uncle Luke said flashing me a smile getting of the stage. I close my eyes and took a deep breath. Luke handed me his guitar and I'm more nervous then anything. I was about to start until one of the fans said something.
"Are you going to go or make us wait! Damn I don't see why Ashton adopted you. Slut!" I couldn't help I have like back his guitar and ran off. I could hear Jimmy and my dad call my name but I kept going. I was running threw the woods until I tripped and fell. I just sat there staring off in the distance. I heard footsteps but I didn't walk away.
"Why am I suck a fuck up?" I asked as dad sat next to me along with Jimmy.
"Your not a fuck up nor a slut. If that fan was real she wouldn't had said that." Dad said as I laid my head in his shoulder.
"Then why do I here it everyday?"
"Because fans are jealous. They are jealous because you my daughter, because you have a record deal, because your being fixed." Dad said pulling my into a hug. He's right I am fixed I stopped the cutting.
"I hate to break this but you have a concert still." Jimmy said as we nodded and headed back.
"I don't have to go back on stage do I?" I asked as Jimmy nodded.
"Yeah you do but you'll be fine." He said reinsurely. I nodded and walked up to Luke he gave me a hug and handed me the guitar.
"Mads your fine we talked to them." He Dias as I nodded and got on the stage. Once again I closed my eyes and took a breath.

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