Chapter 10 - Sam

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A blinking neon light woke me. It was a motel sign, Flanigan's Roadside Inn. I was startled when I felt no baby in my arms. I sat up quickly, still in the backseat of Natalie's car. My back complained as I turned quickly trying to figure out where I was. The passenger side door opened, and a haggard Natalie ducked her head in.

"Stinky?" I asked, my voice coming out raspy.

"She's inside," Natalie said, waving me out of the car, "Sorry, I can't drive anymore. Thought I would fall asleep on us." I slid toward her, my groin and back lamenting the movement.

"Where are we?" I asked. It was cold outside, not freezing, but not desert. Standing was a painful procedure. Whatever moves I used outside of Flagstaff had strained muscles. Natalie put her arm around me as I limped forward.

"North Dakota," Natalie said, "took a right at Los Angeles and just kept going." I tried to do the mental math. She must have been driving close to twenty-four hours. I stood up straighter, ignoring the pain. She shouldn't be carrying me as well.

"You need some sleep," I coughed, "I'm sorry I passed out on you."

"You saved us," Natalie said. I could hear the exhaustion in her voice, "they weren't from the government and weren't going to follow any rules." I stopped walking and turned to her, letting her arms fall away.

"Thank you for getting us out of there," I said. Her smile was genuine.

"I need a shower and some sleep," Natalie responded, "then will talk." I nodded. I had been out for a day, and I was still tired, not to mention the way my groin felt. No wonder those martial arts guys stretch all the time. "I fed Stinky twice and changed a diaper," Natalie laughed, "no idea how you slept through that. I almost lost my lunch."

"I'll watch her," I added, "you take your shower, and we'll try and keep it quiet so you can sleep."

"The place is a dump, but they take cash," Natalie said as she opened the door. Smart woman, not leaving an electronic trail. Stinky was asleep in the middle of a double bed. The entire decor looked like it was modern about forty years ago. Dark browns and oranges with two ugly horse paintings on the walls. I closed and locked the door behind us.

"There's only one bed," I pointed out.

"We'll share," Natalie said in a tone the broached no room for argument. She grabbed a small toiletry bag and moved straight to the bathroom, closing the door. I wished I would have stopped her. I had to pee like a racehorse. "There's donuts and Snapple on the table," she shouted through the door, then I heard the water turn on. Now I really had to pee.

Eating donuts and watching TV doesn't quiet one's bladder. My stomach needed the food, as unhealthy as it was, and I suspected I needed some liquid as well. The Snapple would have to wait until I had a bathroom available. I surfed until I found some news. The Ebola outbreak in Flagstaff was the third story and hardly warranted the twenty seconds they gave to it. The lack of spreading death seemed almost to disappoint the reporter on the scene. The CDC had no new updates and the house to house search had not located Stinky and I. I got the feeling the government wouldn't be able to keep up the farce for much longer. It was good news that they were still looking in Flagstaff.

Natalie exited the bathroom with a towel that barely covered her torso and another wrapped like a turban on her head. Her exposed legs and the hint of cleavage was incredibly becoming. She moved over to her suitcase and began rifling through it as my eyes took in the back of her legs. They looked smooth with the cutest indent behind each knee. Her toenails were painted a soft red that had begun to flake off. They must have looked adorable in sandals. She bent slightly, and I had to look away. Her tush was too enticing, even covered as it was.

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