Chapter 15 - Sam

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The first week in the cabin was an absolute joy. I had Natalie and Teegan all to myself. We would go for walks in the woods, something I was sure the impending winter would limit, and spend our nights in front of the fire. Teegan was crawling like she never knew any different. I felt every bump and nearly screamed when she closed her fingers in the drawer. I somehow absorbed it all. I was her personal pin cushion. Still, she learned. I knew she didn't like me feeling pain anymore then she would have liked it herself. It did encourage me to spend more time baby proofing the cabin. There was no way I would allow her to find an exposed electrical socket.

Whether it was Teegan's doing or not, I was deeply in love with the both of them. They had become my world, two people who mattered more than I. Most drugs would become weaker in time, destroy themselves while they destroyed the host. I felt stronger with a growing determination to see that nothing untoward would happen to lessen our family. That is what it was, a family. My family.

Natalie was equally committed. The woman could love like no other. I still had no idea what she saw in me. I just knew I had hit the jackpot. Smart, gorgeous, and so very comfortable to be around. She would smile and a rainy day became sunshine.

Except for her new found mobility, Teegan was the same happy child. Nothing ever bothered her. She was our main entertainment, her bouncing diapered butt our laughter. She was working hard trying to stand and was teething hard, which produced copious amounts of slobber. I could feel the ache in my gums as more teeth began to find air. Soft chewy things made it feel better, so I kept her well supplied.

Natalie was worried about the transfer of Teegan's pains. The power Teegan had over me was growing, and she wondered where it would end. It grew slowly enough that I found it almost natural. I liked that I could save her from pain. I also found it efficient that I knew when she was in pain. It was like a second set of eyes.

An unexpected knock at the door surprised both of us. My first thought was of Betty or her uncle. No one else knew we were here. I ended Teegan's crawling, picking her up protectively as Natalie peeked out the window. "A man," she mouthed, shrugging her shoulders.

"Neighbor?" I whispered.

"Maybe," Natalie whispered back, "it looks like he's alone."

"Who is it?" I called from behind the door. I tried to make it sound nonchalant like I was otherwise engaged in something that couldn't be interrupted.

"Dr. Hank Gunderson," the man called back, "I'm looking for Sam Donaldson and Natalie Williams." My eyes went wide at our names. Natalie moved quickly to my side with the same apprehension.

"No one here by that name," I said with less conviction than I should have. The knowledge of our names caught me off guard.

"What about Runnymede?" The man asked, "are you familiar with that?" He knew Rose. I immediately found Teegan's skin with my hand. I had been avoiding direct bonding, not knowing the long term effects. In this case, fear for Rose overshadowed the risk.

Dr. Gunderson held no animosity toward us. Teegan smiled at me as I drifted into his mind. Rose trusted him, and he was alone. I felt him smile, almost sensing what I was doing. He had bonded with Teegan in the past. I let go of Teegan's arm and opened the door.

"Sam Donaldson," I said, holding out my free hand. Hank smiled and shook it.

"And you must be Natalie," Hank said, holding his hand out to her. Natalie nodded, adding her smile as she shook his hand. She saw me bond and knew I thought everything was okay.

"Esmeralda!" Hank said, looking at Teegan, "You've grown so big." Teegan's mouth opened into a breathy laugh. She pumped her arms up and down with excitement. No apprehension at all.

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