Chapter 12 - Sam

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The sunrise brought with it a new life. Natalie and I found reasons to touch, the distance between us was minimized, and kissing preceded and ended most conversations. Even morning breath failed to stall our affection. We just held our breath and locked lips. We kissed again once our teeth were brushed. I have crushed on women in the past, only to be disappointed once we consummated our affections. Before, the sex was the pinnacle and destroyed the rest of the relationship. With Natalie, the opposite occurred. She was better, we were better, once physicality had entered the equation. Sex was the frosting on an already tasty cake. And how I loved that cake.

"Where should we go?" I asked as I finished packing. I had yet to think past Portland, and now it was time.

"We're pretty close to Bismarck," Natalie suggested, "who would look for us there once winter sets in?"

"We would have to keep each other warm," I added, bouncing my eyebrows. Natalie smiled, and Teegan bounced in her arms in agreement.

"A big fire and a soft couch."

"A little wine and a comforter," I added. I couldn't believe I was getting aroused by simple conversation. I could picture Natalie there in wooly socks and nothing else as we made love before a roaring fire. "Bismarck it is," I agreed. I lifted Teegan from Natalie's arms, so she could finish packing her things. That earned me a welcomed kiss.

After I finished loading the car, I went to the office to turn in the keys and check out. The place was so old, they still used physical keys and had no in-room checkout. It would have been quaint if everything didn't look so rundown.

"Checking out of 203," I said to the woman behind the counter as I fished the keys out of my pocket. When I looked back up, I saw that she was sporting a deep bruise on her left cheek that road up around her eye socket. She was about my age, long dark hair pulled back in a ponytail. Her eyes were hollow, almost as if she hadn't eaten a good meal in months.

"How was your stay?" she asked, her smile denying that anything was amiss.

"Fine," I said, placing the keys on the counter. I tried not to stare, but the bruise was the foremost thing on her face. I thought it might have been a bad birthmark or maybe a skin condition. The shading to an ugly green at the edges spoke of a fist, not nature. She ignored my eyes and pulled out a card in Rolodex. No computer for this dive.

"That will be 79.80 for the second night," she said sweetly. I moved for my wallet, then stalled.

"I left my money in the car," I lied, "I'll be back in a moment." She nodded and turned to return the keys to one of the drawers.

"All set?" Natalie asked as I poked my head into the backseat.

"I think that the lady in there was beaten," I said as I unbuckled Teegan, lifting her always smiling face next to mine.

"It's not our business," Natalie pointed out as she exited the car.

"No," I agreed, "but I'm tired of things not being my business." Natalie leaned into me and kissed my lips. It was filled with passion and zero condemnation. It was permission and agreement. I handed her Teegan and entered the office. Inside, a large burly man in a Pittsburgh Steelers t-shirt waited next to the bruised woman. She was no longer smiling.

"79.80 you said?" I asked pleasantly.

"Yes," the woman said quickly. She flinched when the man next to her raised his arm and put it on her shoulder.

"I thought Betty here had let you skip out," the man grunted with an uneducated tone of authority. I disliked him less every second I was there.

"Always think the worst?" I asked in my most condescending voice. I enjoyed the way his face scrunched up. I knew he would wait for my eighty bucks before he dealt with any perceived disrespect. I counted out four twenties and placed them on the counter. Betty began pushing buttons on a cash register that was as old the motel.

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