Chapter 20 - Natalie

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The first thing I felt was the drool running down my chin. I adjusted my lips and lifted my head, trying to slow the flow. I blinked quickly, then slowed as my eyes began to adjust to the light. I saw a lamp I didn't recognize. It was sleek and expensive, not something that belonged in a cabin.

Memories flooded back.

A man, short and stocky, sat in a chair opposite mine. Shirt and tie, but no jacket. My only thought was enemy. I tried to stand and found my hands well secured behind the chair. Panic seeped in, and I screamed as I attempted to kick at the calm figure in front of me. My calf knotted in pain. My feet were secured as well.

"I would like to untie you," the man said calmly. My breathing increased as my awareness became clearer. It was a sparse office, missing all the trappings of one that is in use. No papers on the desk, zero plants and no pictures of family members.

"Where is Teegan?" I demanded, the memory of the invasion now fully returned. My voice came out raspy, forcing me to cough and clear my throat. I could feel a cord chafing my wrists as I struggled to free them.

"The child is fine," the man stated, "it is our goal to return her to you." I stopped struggling. It didn't sound like a lie. I was sure it wasn't everything, but it seemed like he believed what he said.

"You kidnapped her to give her back?" I said incredulously.

"To be accurate," the man said, leaning forward, "you have been kidnapped. The child, who Mr. Donaldson and you kidnapped, has been returned to her rightful owner."

"Children aren't owned," I spat. The mere thought of his disregard of her rights swelled my anger.

"Semantics," the man said, shaking his head, "the fact of the matter is, she is safe with us, and we would prefer you to remain at her side." My head was still trying to shake off the fog. I relaxed in the chair and let the situation unfold. I couldn't fathom why they took me. I thought it in Teegan's best interest for me to remain at her side. Sam needed me here as much as Teegan needed me near.

"Sam!" I said loudly. I wondered if they took him as well. I remembered the fight in the cabin when I tried to stall for his return. I was outnumbered so quickly though I did make them pay.

"Mr. Donaldson is no longer in the picture," the man said and raised his hand at my shocked looked, "not dead, I assure you, just not involved anymore." Sam didn't know where we were. I didn't know where we were. I closed my eyes and slowed my breathing. When I opened them again, the man was still sitting, waiting patiently with a blank expression. I hated the way he had greased his jet black hair. Almost as if it was folded, not parted, across the top of his head. Hitler had a better stylist.

"Untie me," I demanded. The man chuckled. So he was human.

"It is my understanding you took out three trained men," the man said, "and with the child in your arms. I would hate to see what you would do to me with both hands free." His revelation took me by surprise. They had no idea that Teegan had lent me those skills. Knowledge was power.

"Please untie me," I said calmly. I added a smile which he matched. He leaned forward and placed his hands on my knees. My first thought was to try and bite his nose off. I shelved the plan. The whereabouts of Teegan had to be ascertained first. I tried to relax further.

"You are still tense," the man said, releasing my knees. "We'll talk a moment longer, and if I am assured of your compliance, I'll release you." He leaned back in his chair.

"When you are released, you will remain on the grounds," he said slowly, "it will be a condition of you seeing Esmeralda. Or Teegan of you prefer. Attempt to leave or contact the outside, and we'll revoke your rights, send you out and you'll never see her again."

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