Chapter Eighteen

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Fix You: Coldplay

Elise's POV

Today was the day of my big performance. I went on at three o'clock at the Winston Theatre for my first performance. Then I went on again at three ten, and three twenty five, and pretty much every other dance segment. I was the assistant manager at the Winston Theatre, but they didn't really need me much. I mostly just danced in the company there.

Louis had taken me to the doctor for my anxiety attack because the medication didn't seem to be helping me. Now I take three little pills. When we got there he looked at me, "I'm going to help you get through this, okay? It's because I love you and I am crazy for you and I don't want you to have to go through that again. I'm going to fix you."

I think Louis forgot about my performance, I don't blame him, it was a pretty hectic week.

I took the three pills this morning, grabbed my dance bag and went to the Winston Theatre. I unlocked the doors throughout the building and mopped the stage. I had to set up these huge fans so that it would dry in time. At one point I set up my phone so that I could listen to my music. I cleaned some other stuff and set up all my costumes. By the time I finished it was about noon, I had arrived at seven. It ensured that it would be just me in the theatre. It was calming.

"Elise," I heard someone yell, "Long time no see! How have you been? I haven't seen you in forever!" It was my friend Ava, we had been friends for a while and we met through the theatre. She was an aspiring actress, she was very good. You could really feel the emotion.

"Yeah, Ava, I've been pretty busy," I gave her a hug, "You dyed your hair? It looks great!"

Last time I saw her, her hair was jet black, now it was purple. It looked good though, it suited her. She has dyed her hair a million times before, but this time it really looked great. She has such beautiful hair, it was curly and thick and just gorgeous.

"Yeah, I really like it this time, I think this is the right color for me, you know?" She said, she always says that and then the next week she comes in with a new hairstyle.

"It really is, it really expresses yourself." I replied, it was true.

"Thanks, so I heard you have a boyfriend? Who is he? Is he coming today? Are you guys getting married?" She laughed, I had no idea she knew about me and Louis.

"Yes, I do, his name is Louis Tomlinson and he's great and I really love him. I don't think he's coming today, I told him about it only once but I think he forgot. But it's okay, everyone forgets you know? And no, Ava, we are not getting married." I said, she put her bag down on a stool.

"He sounds pretty cool. I have had my eye on this guy for the longest time, we have hung out a couple of times and I really think he likes me. He kissed me once too, it was magical." Ava spun around as she said 'magical'.

"Who is he?" I asked, it's been a while since Ava really liked a guy, her last relationship ended horribly.

"Zayn Malik," Oh dear, "He's great, and he's gorgeous and he should model or something. He's really into my acting and stuff, he couldn't come today because he has this huge project or something. I think I'm too in love with him to let him go. But it's okay, it could be worse." Ava said.

By that time other performers and spectators filed into the theatres. They were all nervously putting on makeup or stretching or fiddling with their CDs. I wasn't so nervous. I've performed in a bunch of places and in front of a ton of people. I took my phone out of the player and saw some mixed text messages from Louis,

             Louis My Boyfriend Who I Am In Love With Because He Is A Stud (Yes, he did that himself):                How is my beautiful girl? :)

               Louis My Boyfriend Who I Am In Love With Because He Is A Stud: I just wanted to tell you that I love you, so yeah, I love you. :)

              Louis My Boyfriend Who I Am In Love With Because He Is A Stud: I have a surprise for you today. You are going to love it. :)

                    Louis My Boyfriend Who I Am In Love With Because He Is A Stud: I heard our song, Fix You, well I assumed that it was our song but if it's not then disregard this, on the radio and I thought of you. :)

He's so dorky, but I love him. I texted him back, but he didn't answer which was very unlike Louis.

A few more hours past of getting ready and stretching and practicing. Every so often I would glance out into the audience for the slight chance that maybe Louis remembered and he would be there with that huge smile on his face.

Finally the time came for me to get ready to go on stage to perform. I took one last glance at the audience before running backstage for a flick of mascara and lip stick. I was performing Fix You and a bunch of other solos or group dances today. My favorite solo beside Fix You was my hip hop solo to Massive Attack by Nicki Minaj. I have always wanted a hip hop solo, but I didn't really need it.

I walked onto the stage and I felt the song ignite my bones and I just flowed. I turned and jumped and leaped and illusioned, if that's even a word, all over the stage and I took a look in the audience. In the front row there was a loveable and dorky guy with a huge smile and tattoos and a beanie and a tank top and jeans and gorgeous bluish greenish eyes and floppy brown hair. Louis. My heart beat faster and I smiled a little. He remembered.  

He waved at me and pointed to the seat next to him, occupied by about a million roses. I took everything in me to stop myself from running off stage and into his arms. I ended the dance and everyone clapped. Louis stood up to give me a standing ovation, little by little others stood up too. I had never gotten a standing ovation. It was a wonderful feeling.

I ran offstage to change into my next costume, Ava gave me a quick hug, "Ava, that's him! That's my boyfriend! He remembered!" I cheered as I ran to my dressing room. I was so happy, it was like everything was right for once. Tears streamed down my face, but they weren't sad tears, they were happy tears.

After I finished changing I ran back onstage for a duet with Ava, she said a monologue and I did a contemporary dance. It was really magical and powerful. Louis gave us another standing ovation.

"Elise," Ava said after we got backstage, "He's a keeper."

"I know." I said, beaming with happiness. Genuine happiness.

After dances and dances I finally got to close off the show with my hip hop solo. I rocked it, if I do say so myself. Louis gave me a standing ovation and cheered and clapped and yelled, "That's my girlfriend!"

I met him in the lobby and gave him a huge hug, "Louis thank you so much for coming! I thought you forgot! Thank you." I said, he gave me the flowers, there was like fifty.

"How could I forget?" Louis smiled and kissed my forehead, "You did wonderful, everything you did was spot on perfection. This was your surprise by the way, I hope you love it."

"This is the best surprise I have ever gotten," I said as I kissed him, "Thank you for coming. I love you, a lot."

"Anything for you," Louis whispered, "You are worth everything I do for you. I love you  too."

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