Not So Chapter Thirty Three

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Hey everybody! Sorry if you guys thought this was a chapter, but I just wanted to say hi! I also wanted to give a shout out to all my amigos out there, so if you just stick around I'll get to the good stuff shortly, thanks!

     @lovelywritings12: I'm so happy to have such a great friend like you, without you I would be nowhere literally. I got you, and I know you got me too. You are such an inspiration to me and we are basically the same person which is cool too. I love you SP!<3

       Wartney: Here is your long awaited shout out, BTW IF YOU AREN'T ALREADY GO READ HER R5 FANFIC CALLED FOREVER BECAUSE IT'S COOL. Anyway, you ignored my FaceTime but whatever, I still tolerate you. Kidding, I love you too<3

      Alexandra: Hey chica ;) Suppppp. I am so glad to have you and all of your loving support because you keep me going! We have to hangout soon! Love you<3

Alright so that's it with the shout outs, now I am going to give links to what Elise's dress and stuff looks like for the wedding so enjoy! It's all on my Polyvore page so I'll attach a link so y'all can look at it!

Elise's Outfit:

Ava/ Bridesmaid Dresses:

I will probably update the final chapter of oxy tomorrow, so get your tissues!

I'm outtie for one of the last times in this story.

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