Blake to the rescue

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"Umm I was wondering if everyone could look around for a young girl in a white dress and pink shoes" I heard Blake say through a microphone. I decided to scream to try get his attention but after a couple seconds Justin covered my mouth.

Oh no I hope he heard me.....

Shelby's pov:
Justin started clawing at my dress trying to get it off. I hope it stays on but luck was not on my side as I heard the dress starting to rip at the back. He smirked in amusement. "Justin please just let me go I won't tell anyone!" I yelled at him to stop but he wouldn't.
"No can do darling" He said starting to kiss down my jawline and to the side of my lips.

I started to scream when I heard footsteps by the door and I knew those where Blakes. "SHELBY OPEN THE DOOR NOW" Blake yelled through the door. "I CANT JUSTIN WONT...  I couldn't finish my sentence because Justin suddenly pulled out a gun and pointed it at my head. "Justin please don't shoot me please!" I begged hoping Blake heard me say 'don't shoot me' telling him that Justin had a gun. "JUSTIN DONT YOU DARE SHOOT HER!!!!!" Blake yelled worried that he will shoot me.

BANG!! I wonder where he shoot the gun until I felt my arm starting to hurt. I looked down at my shoulder/arm and saw blood starting to pour down my arm. "AAHHHHH THAT HURTS WHY DID YOU SHOOT ME IN THE ARM!!!!????" I yelped in pain. "BECAUSE YOU WOULDN'T SHUT UP!!" Justin yelled. "Wait what, DID HE SHOOT YOU SHELBY OH NO OH NO JUST HANG ON SHELBY I WILL HELP YOU !!" Blake yelled upset and scared because he thought I might not make it in time.

I went and sat down next to the door and tried saying "Blake I don't think I can hang on any longer.... I think I'm loosing to much blood I'm trying to stop the bleeding but I know I don't have much time................................................................................................
Blake?" I whispered. "Blake ......" I said a bit louder.

The last thing I heard was "Shelby don't leave me!" Before I blacked out.

When I woke up I found that I was in a hospital bed with a bandage on my arm. "Wtf!!" "BLAKE WHERE ARE YOU, BLAKE!!??" I yelled but realised he was asleep next to me in a chair. "BLAKE!!??" I said worried. But as soon as I yelled that he woke really fast which scared me so I screamed. "AHHHH" . "Wow where am I? What happened? Why am I here?!?" I asked so many questions but he didn't answer.

Instead Blake gave me clothes "put these on in the bathroom and come back out, don't worry I'm right outside the door." Blake says knowing I would be scared being apart from him.

I got into the bathroom and took the hospital gown off. Ugh probably everyone hates these stupid gowns. I put on the white dress, black bow necklace, two black bow bracelets and my black bow shoes. I took a glance at the bathroom mirror and fixed up my hair and makeup before I went out of the bathroom.

Once I took a few steps out of the bathroom I started to panic not seeing Blake around.
"Blake, Blake?!" But as soon as I finished yelling his name I felt hands go tight around my waist. "I'm right here baby don't worry" Blake said breathing into my neck. I just relaxed into his arms when he picked me up bridal style and took my out of this stupid hospital.

When he was taking me to the car and put me in the back I started freaking out because I couldn't feel his soothing touch. I started to cry which made Blake realise. "Oh would you rather me or Jake in the back with you?" Blake asked. "Y......o......u" I answered wanting his big muscular arms around me.

I moved over so I was in the middle and Blake got in. Blake pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around me like he read my mind. "Blake what happened to me? How did you get into the room?"." Oh well once Jtin shot Yu in the arm an you passed out he count do anything that you anymore so he unlocked the door and left. I picked you up and took you to the hospital straight away....because....because I don't want to lose you" Blake said having sorrow in his eyes.

"Blake are we going back to your house?" I asked not wanting to go back to the party. "Yes babe, and next time we go to a club or house party I won't let you go out of my sight or my hand" Blake said with lust in his eyes for me.

"Where here!" Jake said from the front of the car. I looked out the window and saw James and Luke standing by the front door. Once I got out of the car the three boys (James, Luke and Jake) came running to me and was about to hug me but when they touched me I freaked out because Blake wasn't holding me anymore. I started to cry until Blake came up to me a picked me up and gave me a piggy back ride. Once we got into the house I hopped off Blakes back and grabbed his hand, pulling him toward the bedroom.

When he realised I wanted to take him somewhere he gladly followed. I pulled him over to the be and pushed him down. I climbed up over to him and rested my head on his chest not wanting him to let go but he let go and got up. "I'm sorry Shelby but I'm really busy could maybe Jake cuddle you? Or just talk to you?" Blake asked. "Ok can you call Jake" and with that Blake yelled for Jake. Within seconds he was in my room sitting next to me.

"Hey what's wrong?" Jake asked with his big puppy eyes. I don't want to talk about it" I told Jake. "Hang on I just remembered something important!!" Jake yelled happy. "What is it?" I asked back.

"It's time for mine to be mine"...........Jake said with lust in his eyes. 'What does he mean by his to be his?' I asked myself.

Oh no I know what he means, he means......................................
Cliffhanger I know you all love those
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Next chapter might be later today!

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