More tats

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Shelby's pov
I heard Scott catching up behind me, maybe a few metres away so when I turned around, started running backwards to see how far away he was, he put his foot out, made me trip over and fall onto my back. "Owch" I whispered in pain.

"Can I have my phones back" he said sitting on my waist, putting his hands in all he pockets I have. "Do you really want me to put my hands down your bra because I will?" He asked with lust in his eyes and smirking. Scott started to lift up my shirt but stopped when he saw my hip.

"Can I add my name to that list of yours?" Scott asked. "No because I didn't ask for the list, it was forced on me" I said remembering how I got the tattoo in the first place. "Fine I will just force it on you as well!" Scott said throwing me over his shoulder and running into the room with all the boys.

"Hey boys, wanna do some tattoo art?" Scott asked the boys smirking. "Yes!" They all said smirking as well. "On who?" Tyler asked looking at me on Scotts shoulder punching his back. "On This stubborns hip, now follow me boys" Scott said leading them down to the basement. Hmm I wonder where Blake is right now. "Which one of you guys is the tattooist?" I asked looking at all the boys in front of me but behind Scott.

"Me baby" Zac said with his face right in front of my face smirking. Scott laid me down on a table and handcuffed my wrists and ankles to the table so I couldn't move. "URGH not again!" I yelled getting frustrated that every boy I meet writes their name on me. "What does she mean by again Scott?" Everyone asked at the same time. "Look" Scott said pulling up my shirt and showing everyone around the table. All the names are in different styles of writing so I guess these guys are going to do the same.

"Zac go in order of
Ok got that all?" Scott asked Zac. "Yep, do you guys want me to write your names the exact same way you write your names?" Zac asked everyone. "Yes" they all said writing their names on a piece of paper in their hand writing. "Ok I'm going to start now Shelby so be ready" Zac said looking me in the eyes then going back to my hip as he started.

"Why aren't you feeling anything?" Zac asked looking surprised. "Well duh, I'm a werewolf now so I heal" I said sassy. "Yeah but no one heals that fast to not feel it" Zac argued back. "Well ok I do feel a little pinch but I'm just holding in the scream" I said smiling sweetly. "Ok nearly done baby" Zac said finishing up the tattoos.

Wow now I have 18 names on my hip, it's ridiculous isn't it. "Hey Zac I was wondering if we could all get matching tattoos, like all you guys have the exact same one so if I hold hands with you are tattoo would join together to create one?" I asked looking at Zac in the eyes begging him. "Ok but what tat?" He asked with amusement in his eyes. "This tattoo" I explained to him what and where.

"Hmm ok give me your hand and boys your next" Zac said starting with me thenScottTylerDylan ZacLouisJordanBenJoshTimMark

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"Hmm ok give me your hand and boys your next" Zac said starting with me then

Once we all got the tattoo, the boys kept holding my hand to see the tattoo match with their own eyes. Zac untied me from the table, grabbed my hand and was walking down hallway after hallway.

Zac finally stopped at a door saying Zac on the door. "Wait here I will go get my wallet and we can go shopping for some clothes for you baby just one second" Zac said walking into his room.

As I was waiting for Zac I decided to lean against the wall and just just looking around with my eyes. My stopped at the door saying Mark on the door. I zoned out think about who Mark was when someone was waving in my face. "Hey you alright there?" A guy with black hair and wearing a white striped top smirking down at me.

"Hey gorgeous wanna join me in my room, we could have some fun if you ask for some pleasure baby?" Mark said growling with lust in his eyes. He started backing me up to the wall so there was no space between us. He put both of his hands on the wall beside my head so I couldn't go anywhere. I turned my head to the left to look at Zacs door. "His going to be a while because his looking for this" Mark said holding a wallet saying Zac on the front.

"Hey give that back to Zac!" I yelled trying to get Zacs attention. "Who you talking to Baby?" Zac asking walking out of his room to see the situation I'm in with Mark. 'Help me' I mouthed to Zac. "Hey get off her man she's going to the shops with me, and I would have that back thank you"  Zac said grabbing his wallet, pushing a mark off me and throwing me over his shoulder as he walked down the hallway to the garage.

OMG THERE IS SOO MANY HOT LOOKING SPORT CARS, URGH I WANT THEM ALL. "Hmm I will let you pick which car" Zac said as I was walking past each car examining them all. "Hmm I pick this one" I said pointing to a Aqua Ferrari. "Good choice" Zac said getting in the driver seat and me getting into the passenger seat, and on the way we were towards the store for some nice looking clothes. 😏

/\ the car Shelby picked-----------------------Hope you liked this chapterMaybe tomorrow I will updateIf I have timeCommentShareVoteCya

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/\ the car Shelby picked
Hope you liked this chapter
Maybe tomorrow I will update
If I have time

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