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Shelby's pov
Blake pulled away to get his breath back as I tried to get mine back. "Why do you guys keep growling?" I asked looking right into Blake's blue eyes. "Don't worry about that, now I have a question for you, what did the voice in your head say?" Blake said looking me in the eyes. "She said I will s**** (this word is a surprise) soon, what does she mean?" I asked. "How soon!" Blake yelled. "Tonight I think, why?" I said slowly. "Oh no you need to come home now, let's go!" Blake said getting up with me. We started to walk to the door but found it locked. "Hmm I see it's happening tonight hey?, what you gonna do Blake, put her in the basement in a cage?" Fox said making us turn around. "What do you mean?" I asked wanting more information. "Oh Blake hasn't told you yet?, hmm but you deserve to know so would you like to come with me?" Fox said grabbing my arm pulling me but I got stopped because of the handcuff attached to Blakes jeans. "Hahaha, Blake my buddy please untie the handcuff" Fox said. "No she is coming with me I need to take her to the leaders now open the fucking door now!" Blake said getting angry. "Fine but bring her back once your done with her because I want to spend a little time with her in my bedroom" fox said with a smirk. "Eww no way in hell, let's go Blake" I said pulling on Blake's waist band on his jeans. We got into the car by me jumping into the driver seat then climbing over to the passenger seat because my hand is still tied to Blake's jeans. Blake started to drive down the driveway going to where ever he said he needed to take me.

Skip the car ride
Shelby's pov
We stopped at a building that looks like important people live here. Blake got out as I climbed over to his side and out. "Ok I'm going to need to to stay close to me when I take this off ok, because some people in here won't care if you go missing and get raped ok?" Blake said. *gulp* " ok" I said rubbing my wrist after being pulled around in a cuff. I stayed behind Blake as we walked up to the front doors and knocked.

A man in his 20s opened the door. "Long time no see hey Blake?" He said giving Blake a handshake as I kept my head low, covering my face with my hair. Crap I remember this guy, he used to bully me at my old school, so how the fuck did he get here? "And who is this new girlfriend?" He said gesturing to me. "She isn't my girlfriend" Blake said then suddenly they went quiet. "Ohhhhh ok come in" he said opening the door wider. Blake walked in with me following but before I passed the bully names Dylan I kicked him in the balls and sat on his waist as he was on the ground and started punching him in the face. I didn't get to punch him much because Blake pulled me off of him. "JUST LET ME FUCK HIS FACE UP A LITTLE MORE BLAKE!!!!" I shouted as loud as I could which you could probably hear me from everywhere in this house.

After I yelled that like another 10 people came running towards us. "Wow what happened to Dylan Blake?" One of the guys said looking at me like I was crazy because Blake was holding me back by the waist. "LET ME KILL HIM BLAKE JUST LET ME ALREADY!!" I yelled as everyone covered their ears, but as soon as Blake went to cover his ears he let go of me so I jumped back onto Dylan and punched him more. Dylan rolled so now his on my waist holding my hands down so I can't punch him anymore. "GRRRRRRRRRRRR GRRRRRRRRRRR GRRRRRRRRRR!!" I growled at him loudly making all the guys smirk even Dylan. "Ohh I remember you, your the one I bullied, haha how has life been since then?" He laughed. I moved trying to get out of his grip but didn't realise I just made my tattoo visible. "Wow Blake you did that to her, why?" Dylan said as everyone looked at my hip with lust in their eyes. "Well firstly fox got to her first and gave her the tattoo so I just added my name" Blake said making conversation with the other guys. "Hmm maybe I could add my name" Dylan whispered into my ear and threw me over his shoulder as he ran down the hallway. "BLAKE!!" I screamed just before Dylan went around a corner. I looked up to see Blake coming with the others.

Dylan ran into a room, threw me on the bed and locked the door. He ran into the bathroom so I took that chance to in to the window. Surprisingly the window was unlocked so I slowly but fast lay opened the window and jumped out landing on the ground. "AHHHH" I screamed as I looked up and saw a pack of wolfs standing off into the distance. They decided to run after me so I tried to run faster than them but couldn't. I turned around to see how close they were but got knocked over by one of them which seemed to be the leader. He started to lick my face making me laugh as I tried to get him off but dam does he weigh a ton. "argh why do you weigh soo much?" I asked knowing that he can't talk. "RUFF RUFF" he barked as he got off me. He started to walk but then stopped like he was trying to tell me to follow him, So I did. Followed and followed and found myself at the house. "I thanked the wolf and walked inside.

Wrong place, wrong time (re-writing)Where stories live. Discover now