7 Out of Control

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I woke up, kinda tired about what happened yesterday and decided to get some hot chocolate. As I drank the last drop of my hot choco, Sasuke went down rubbing his eyes. Cute.

"Morning, Sasuke"

"Oh,umm..Morning, (Name)"

"Hot choco?"

"No thanks"

"Ok, then." I put my glass on the sink.

"(Name), about yesterday.."



I blushed carnation pink. "Ummm it's nothing really. I'm sorry too" He simply shrug and went to the bathroom.


"Yo (Name)-chan!" Naruto greeted.

"Hey." I greeted back.

"Wanna explore the woods or train?"

"Ok, but what about Sasuke?" I said pointing at the said ravenette.

"Tch, go. I'm going somewhere." With that, Sasuke left.

"Come on, (Name)-chan!" Naruto grabbed my arm and began jumping through the forest.

Many hours passed and it's almost 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
Naruto and I did kunai/shuriken target throwing, Spar, Jutsu teaching etc."Naruto..I'm not feeling well..." As I dropped to the ground.

"(Name)-chan!!!" He came to my aid but everything went black.


"(Name)-chan!!!" I ran to her and placed her head in my lap. Her eyes slowly closed. "Oi! (Name)! Wake up!" I shook her gently.

"Argh! Sasuke's gonna kill me!" I carry her in a piggy-back ride and was about to head into the hospital when I heard a rustling noise.

"Who's there?!" I looked through the bushes but saw nothing.
Probably my imagination. I jumped tree to tree. Just when I saw the village we live, a kunai slashed my cheek.


Two figures emerged from the bushes. They were wearing black coats wih red clouds. They are memebers of the akatsuki. "Hand over the girl" shark-boy said. (A/n:Sorry guys! I'm not sure if Naruto knew their name cuz It's been a long time watching this anime).

"Kisame, get the girl. I'll handle the boy" the other said.

"Roger that, Itachi."

I gritted my teeth and ready my kunai. I can't fight like this!
Kisame began running into me and almost got (Name) but I wounded him with my kunai. He growled and Itachi began attacking me too. Kisame swing his sword at me and I barely dodged it. "Ha! You miss- gah!" Someone hit me behind and I started to feel unconscious.


As Itachi hit Naruto from behind, Kisame caught (Name) from falling and made their way back to their hideout.


"Good job, Itachi. Kisame. Now place her to her room. I hope Orochimaru didn't fail us." Pein ordered.
Itachi and Kisame both nodded and wen to a plain white room. It has a single bed and has another room which includes your bathroom. They laid you gently on your bed and went back to Pein.

"What now?" Kisame asked.

"We wait for her to wake up. Now go to your rooms and take a rest." As usual, the two nodded to their leader and went to their respective rooms.

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