11 Kenji's Back story.

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Oh yeah. Kenji is my OC hehe. I forgot to tell ya all about the OC's like Zeikun.


I sweat dropped as they kept throwing punches at eachother.

"Is that all you've got HUH?!" Kenji taunted as he saw Sasuke's bleeding lip. "Oh yeah? You got a black eye already." Sasuke shot back.Because they fought for like ten minutes or so with the same strenght etc. They were desperately breathing for air.

"What a drag." I heard someone say.

"Shikamaru?" I saw him using his shadow possesion jutsu.
Thank goodness. Sasuke and Kenji was now complaining and demanding him to release them from the jutsu.

I saw Ino and Choji heading their way into us.
"Sasuke-kun!" Ino exclaimed. Sasuke hn-ed while Kenji squints his eyes. "Hey there Ino." Kenji flirted. "K-kenji~" Ino's attention was now on Kenji which she was enjoying his flirting at her.

Playboy. Tch, What a sickening display.

Choji huffed as he finally catched up and took out his chips.
Swiftly got it and began eating. He pouted and got another one out. I'm hungry from all the fuss anyway.

By now, Ino was yelling at Shikamaru to release them both so that she can be wih them. Wtf right?
If you ask me it was better this way. "Alright, alright." Pineapple gave up and release them. Ino being the flirt ran up to them but they ignored her and went to..ME?!

Kenji smirked again and tried to grab me but Sasuke was faster and got me first. Not again. Oh God..

"Hey! I got her first!" Kenji started.

"Basically, I met her first than you. You dolt." Sasuke was done. I just knew it. Kenji was about to argue but Sasuke kneed him and
Hit his neck. Which cause him to be unconcious. Ino came to the rescueeeee. 

Sasuke without saying a word sprinted away carrying me. Meh--(means uninterested). Atleast I got away.

Once we got home, he let go off me without any warning. Making my butt feel the ache. What the fuck is wrong with him!

"Hey! What's the big idea?!"

"How annoying.." he said and take a bath.
Eh?! I saw Angel meowing. Oh, food. I gave her, her favorite cat food and finish my chips.


Sasuke is so quiet! I am dying of boredom right now like Hello?! Isn't he suppose to be training me or somehing? I decided to just train by myself. I opened the door just in time to see Sasuke exiting his room. "Oi, Where are you going?" So he finally talked.
"Training." I replied plainly and shut the door.

I went to the training grounds and guess who I saw? Kenji.
Ok. I'm outta here-

"Hey (Name)!" He greeted. I saw his black eye and I bit my lip to refrain from laughing. "Hey."

"Mind if I train with you?"

"Um..sure." okay? This was odd. I thought he is a flirt?


We decided to rest after the long and tiring training. I decided to ask him about himself and his back story. He smiled at me. Which cause me to blush a little.

"Ya know, You're really cute."


"Nevermind. Anyway, I was the last of the Takano clan." I was about to say sorry but he covered my mouth. "No need to say sorry. It's okay anyway. Atleast I got to share this wih someone besides Sasuke." Now I'm totally confused but acknowledge him to continue. "My older sister killed all of the Takano Clan besides me. She said I wasn't worth her time because I was a weakling and left. The following day she was found dead by the an Anbu and said she commited suicide. I began crying uncontrollably when I heard the news. I have no one. That's when the hokage sent me to a ninja school which Sasuke was learning to become a ninja too. I was always rank second whatever I do. He always has the center of the attention. That's when I snapped. I decided to train hard and prove that I'm better than him."

"And how did you share your back story to him?" I asked.

"You really are impatient are you?" He chuckled before continuing. "One rainy night while I was training, I accidentally threw the kunai to the wrong direction because of the rain it slipped from my hand. -sighs- that's when I heard someone shouting. I ran to the direction and saw his shirt pinned to the tree. I laughed and he removed the kunai before shouting at me: 'watch it brat!' And turned away from me. I catch up to him and decided to befriend him.

Weeks had passed he still hasn't accepted my offer. He was about to leave but I pleaded: 'please, don't leave me alone.' He stopped and my tongue began telling him my story. He realized we were just similar and told me his story. That's when our friendship began. But, when he got a fight with Naruto fter him being in the hospital, he started ignoring me like I'm just a stranger. I tried confronting him but he just ignored me. He gave in after a few months and said: 'You and my team are making me weak. I'm leaving tomorrow. I need power.'

I can't believe him and ran away from him. I sobbed when I got home someone left me again. He came back but I left the village to train in order to become strong and came back a few years ago. I just became a playboy after becoming a chunin."

He smiled and I notice tears were coming from his eyes. I hugged him and he hugged me back. Then I saw Sasuke. He looks disappointed and left. I was about to an after him but Kenji stopped me. "Please. Stay."

Alright. Any questions? I'll answer them if his back story isn't that clear. Thanks.

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