12 Friends

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After staying and comforting Kenji for quite a while, I can't help but think of Sasuke. I mean..Why does he look disappointed?

"I think I should go now, Kenji." I said because the sun already retreated. He nodded ad I walked back to Sasuke's house. I opened the door quiet as possible. The lights are out probably he's asleep. I tip-toed to his bed but suddenly the lights went on and I froze.

"(Name)." Oh shoot! It's Sasuke.

"Y-yes Sasuke?" I nervously asked.

"Where have you been?" He asked sternly.

"I was comforting Kenji."

"Oh yeah? What did he say that made you hug him?"

"Umm He told me that you two used to be friends and He was the last Takano. I felt sorry for him that's why I hugged him."

He looks away and scoff. "Why would he say that?"

"Because!- wait. Are you jeawous?" I teased him.

"I-I am NOT!" Okay, he's face is tomato..

"Oh really?" I put my hands behind me and circled around him. I poked him on his left shoulder and he's like being shocked.
I chuckled as he looks away.

"Well, jealous or not. You know who owns my heart right?" I asked as I messed with his duckbutt hair.

"Yeah. Kenji Takano."

I scowled at his response. "Of course I was joking. It's me right?" He said as he stopped me from messing his hair and pulled me closer to him...we looked at each other's eyes then lips. Then we kissed. --

We broke away as we breath for air.


-Next Day-

As I dried my hair from the bath I took I saw some red light forming on my right wrist. I examined it and realized it was a bird with red flames surrounding it.

"It's my mark (Name)." I heard Zeikun's voice in my head.

"Is it even necessary?"

"Yes. You'll know what it is by the right time comes."

"Hmph. Is it that important?"

No response. I sighed it wasn't that noticeable though. Because it's kind of tiny. and went downstairs.

"Morning S-" I cut myself of as I saw him still sleeping on his couch. I decided to cook breakfast.


He's still asleep?! What the heck is wrong wih this guy?! I had finished cooking and he's still dreaming!

"Wake up." I shook him a little.

"Mmm 30 minutes.." he mumbles.

A vein popped on my forehead. "I said..WAKE. THE. FUCK. UP!!!" I yelled. He flinched from my voice. Serve him good.

"Jeez (Name), No need to yell." He scowled.

"Oh yeah? I keep saying 'wake up' and it doesn't work so I yelled at you."


"Now eat up!" I serve him his food as he sat down.


"Hey! Sasuke!" I pulled him out of his house.

"Tch,  what do you want now?"

"Let's train!" I exclaimed while he sighs from my behavior.

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