19 Goodbye, (Name). And IMPORTANT A/N

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"Kakashi, Are we there yet?" I asked getting impatient.


"Hn. Are you sure? It's too dark here." I almlst tripped when I said that. "Hm? I think we're here, Sasuke." He said. "huh?" Then I heard Kakashi-sensei whispering some words. In a minute a old cottage appeared. I felt 3 chakras, 2 familiar. Shit, it's (Name) and Kenji.

Kakashi opened the door and saw..Nothing? He went inside and so do I until a kunai was on my throat. "Surrender." A manly voice said. I looked behind me and saw (Name) holding the kunai on my throat and Kakashi has been held by a guy. Ahead of us was Kenji. He doesn't looked pleased.

"Hmph, looks like you found us, Sasuke."

"Shut up! Give back (Name)!" I gasped as the kunai cut me a bit. "Shut your fucking mouth!" She yelled. In a second, Kakashi was out of the man's grip and was now holding his kunai to the guy's throat. "Release him!" Kakashi ordered (Name). I heard her mutter a curse and slowly release me.

In a swift movement Kakashi tied them up. "Are you Edward?" Kakashi asked the guy. "Yes." He said emotionless. "Why did you brainwash (Name)?" He glared at him. "I-It wasn't me! It's Kenji!"
Kakashi now knocked him out. He was now glaring at Kenji.

"Now, will you tell me why?" Kenji just held (Name)'s hands a d whispered something to her. Then She suddenly swung her leg to Kakashi making him fell. She took out a kunai and stabbed his leg before making themselves free.

"(Name) STOP!" I yelled as she formed her own red chidori and killed Kakashi. "NO!!!" I ran to her and pinned her down. "What did you do?!" I felt rage for her the first time. I was then thrown away by Kenji away from her. Composing myself, I used Susann'o.

I tried hitting Kenji with it but (Name) was fast carrying him. She suddenly stopped. I was about to walk towards her but she screamed making me cover my ears. As she was screaming, Large Flames surrounded her body and then A Phoenix was summoned. Me and her battled.

She look like she's really gonna kill me. I kept using defense since I don't wanna hurt her. I'll just kill Kenji and take her with me. I saw Kenji lying on the grass huffing. This is my chance!

I dodge her attack first and brought out my katana and harged at him. She tried to stop me by doing some fire techniques but I dodged it all. I finally saw the chance of me attacking. I wasted no time and pierced Kenji's heart.

He looked shocked at first but smiled in the end. Jerk. I saw (Name) weeping. I made my Susann'o disappear and went to her. Her Phoenix suddenly dispersed to her arm. So that's why she had a phoenix in her arm making the mark of Zeikun again.

"(Name), you're okay now-" I tried comforting her yet she yelled at me. "How dare you! You killed him! You killed your bestfriend!" She kept crying. "But I'm your real boyfriend!"
"No."She wiped her tears and stood up and suddenly her temperature is high again. I can tell by the tree beside her burning.  Zeikun.

I backed up a little so I can prepare for the attack. "Let her be!" I yelled but her body wasn't doing anything. "(Name)?" I walk up to her but only a red force stopped me surrounding her.

"(Name)!!!" I tried punching the force but it was no use my hands felt hot when I punched it. I'm also almost out of chakra. I then heard Naruto yelling my name. "Sasuke! Stay away from her!!!" My eyes widened when she said.

"Burning destruction!" Then the force turned to flames and become bigger. I ran to save myself but sadly it caught my foot making my head hit the ground. I felt dizzy. Naruto was yelling and carried me. I saw all of the nature that was caught on her jutsu was all burned to ashes.

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