27 I'm Sorry.

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I ran quickly towards her. just in time to block his fireball. "You play dirty!" I shot another arrow which he dodged. Azurei quickly trapped him using his water to make a ball and tried to suffocate him but Zeikun quickly destroy it.

I cursed as I felt my chakra weak. I kept tring to hit Zeikun but keep missing. "I will not let you lay a finger on her!" I tried to use different jutsus on him but only some succeeded. "Sasuke, stop! Don't push yourself to much!" Saber yelled. "I. DON'T CARE!" I attacked Zeikun again. "I WILL PROTECT (NAME) NO MATEER WHAT!" I yelled frustrated at how Zeikun was good at dodging. "If you keep pushing yourself, You won't save her at a state like that! How could you protect her if you keep wasting chakra!" She scolded.

Her words repeated in my mind, I didn't have a chance to counter Zeikun's attack and flew beside (Name).  I fell to the ground and saw Azurei fell to the ground too, Bleeding. Saber tried to punch him but he twisted her arm and she cried out of pain before Zeikun punched her real hard.

I hug (Name) who is still unconcious. She has to make it. I took off my top and tried to stop the blood."(Name), wake up. We need you, I need you."


All I can see is darkness. Then a light appeared. "(Name), wake up. We need you, I need you." Sasuke's voice. Come on you stupid body. I closed my eyes. They need me!

"(Name)!" Sasuke exclaimed in relief once I opened my eyes. "Sasuke..I-it hurts!" I cried out of pain. "Shh. Can you use your powers?" I asked. "Y-yeah but I can only heal it a little because I lost too much chakra. "(Name), Sasuke! Watch out!" Saber yelled in a distance. I saw an incoming fire jutsu to us. Before I could process, Sasuke already carried me out of the jutsu. The jutsu burned my pounch which consists of my shurikens, kunai and bandages.

"Thank you." I thanked him. "Anything for you." He looks at Saber. "Thanks for the warning but, (Name) need your help." Saber quickly nodded and healed my injuries. "Thanks." I got up and help the limping Saber. "I guess, your injuries really took too much of my chakra. But it's worth it." She rested on a wall. "Yeah. But rest."

I jumped through mid air and summon a fire sword and slashed Zeikun. He grunted in pain and I jumped again but he caught my foot and threw me on the ground, making a big crater. "Give it up, (Name)." He said.

"Zeikun!" Sasuke throw a giant shuriken and Zeikun burned it. Sasuke appeared from the smoke and hit him with his chidori.
Zeikun flew away from us and Sasuke help me to get up. "Thanks." I said. "Stop saying thanks, you keep saying that." He chuckled. "But you deserve it besides- Ah!" Sasuke suddenly pushed me away from him and my eyes widens as he was blown away with a smoke blinding my vision. "Sasuke?!" I struggled through the smoke.

"You're losing~" Zeikun sang through the smoke. "Where are you?!" I demanded. Only laughter answered my question. I saw a figure which I know who belongs to..Zeikun.

"Bastard! Where is Sasuke?!" As I tried to attack him but he vanished. The smoke finally cleared. No.. "Sasuke was lying on the ground burnt half of his body. His almost clothes tore up. I covered my mouth. I yelled his name as I ran beside him.

"No! Not again! You died once! Don't make it twice!" I sobbed as I tried to listen to his heartbeat but it was faint. Very faint. "Z-Zeikn..please. let me heal him... I will let you devour me if you do!" I cried and begged Zeikun.

He smirked and held out his palm before red particles go through me. I quickly heal Sasuke and in a second he was okay.
I was about to hug him when a stinging pain shot my body. "Gah!" I screamed as the pain was unimaginable.

"You're mine now" Zeikun said as he laughed maniacally. I clutched my body as I tried to surpress it. "Now that I can devour your body, willingly. I can do this in the easy way." I watched as the whole village was on fire. I caused the fire. Because I let him devour me. I've been so selfish.

Killing the whole village just for my desire. I watched as I got devoured by Zeikun. I felt my skin being heated up and I sweat, red gigantic phoenix wings appeared on my back. He slowly approached me with a sickening grin and pierced his hand through my stomach.

I gasped and coughed out blood as he pulled out his hand before appearing before appearing beside Sasuke. He grasped Sasuke's neck, Sasuke tried to fight him but he can't because he still hasn't recovered properly.

I tried crawling to him but the pain I'm experiencing is too much for me. He then started taking Sasuke's soul. "No!" I screamed as I tried to fight the pain but failed. I glared at Zeikun helplessly. "That wasn't part of the deal! I said you can only devour me!" He stopped for a moment then smiled. "I lied." I started to cry. I am useless.

I didn't have the last chance to hug him..

The last chance of kissing him goodbye..

"I'm sorry."

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