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Marc's eyes strayed from his intended target and back to the woman with the blonde hair. He thought he had seen her face somewhere before, but unfortunately he couldn't remember where. He felt the same about the others. They had looked so familiar and yet...

He saw how the blonde loosely stuck to the side of The Ringmaster, who occasionally pulled her close when she would begin to step away. He also witnessed the dark haired woman glaring angrily in her direction when ever she would loosen her grip on the gun.
He saw she was trembling, her eyes filled with terror.
And they waited.

As the bag came around Marc reluctantly placed his watch, cell phone, and wallet inside. He looked up at the woman who smiled at him.  He saw a glimmer of discomfort in her eyes. And could see that smiling the way she was, was uncomfortable. She strained.
Marc was concerned, there was something wrong with this situation (other than the obvious ). He had to think about it but he had a feeling that these women might not have been criminals. Though he saw them walking around and acting as if nothing was wrong. He felt like getting up and doing something to stop the man, but then he thought of the consequences. He stayed put.

Then sirens were heard outside. The sound of a muffled officer's voice through a megaphone soon followed. Marc returned his gaze to The Ringmaster, and could tell the man was not to happy about this. He watched him shift uncomfortably and check his non existant watch. The man was becoming impatient.

" Hurry Up!" He shouted, tapping his foot, " performances tend to get dull if you extend them too long," he crossed his arms in annoyance. With this the women picked up the pace.

The blonde woman let out a loud gasp as her arm was gripped tightly and she was pulled closely and violently back towards the man in the red jacket. Her face contorted in pain as his grip tightened.

"Stay in position dearie, it's all about entertainment value. Smile for your public."

She winced and smiled weakly. Standing in the position she was placed in.
Marc felt himself move forward slightly but held himself back. He couldn't risk anything.
The man tore the gun from the blonde's loose grasp and aimed it at the crowd.

"Then again shock value had always gotten more views!" He chuckled. Marc was about to rush forward, if anyone was going to get shot it would be him.

"Why are you doing this?" cried a brave civilian, moving forward slightly, away from the group. "What do you want?"

"No..." Marc whispered, he had to think of a way to distract the masked man quickly.

"Haha, At the moment. ..you." The Ringmaster quickly pulled the trigger, sending the bullet straight through the civilian's forehead.
The crowd screamed, staring in horror and trying to separate themselves from the bleeding corpse.
The Ringmaster shot up into the air.
"Move any more and we'll have a repeat performance! " He aimed the gun back towards the crowd, "quiet now! And back to your seats! The show is not yet over!" He pulled the wandering blonde closer to him making her squeak quietly.

Just then a dark gleaming projectile flew through the air with little sound, and lodged itself in the hand of The Ringmaster. It him drop the gun and cringe, groaning silently. He growled then standing up straight Marc could sense his excitement.

" Darlings! Our showstopper has arrived! How wonderful! " He chuckled.

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