Five and thirty

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Upon entering, Marc saw a large image of the main building of Arkham Asylum hung up on the wall, a dim light shining on it. On the other side of the room there was a computer desk and sitting in a chair beside it was the Ringmaster, with a gun in his hand.

"And so we meet, Officer." said the Ringmaster, "anything you want to ask before we get this done?"

Marcus took a step forward.

"ah, ah, ah," the Ringmaster held up his index finger and put the gun to his head, "play along."

Marc grumbled, "why do you do this?"

"the Ringmaster makes me act this way,"

"what? But you're-"

"no" Marc was cut off, he could see the man was about to pull the trigger. Before he could do anything the Ringmaster screamed in pain. He dropped the gun, a shuriken was sticking out of his hand. Marc rushed over quickly removing the object and cuffing his hand to the arm of the chair. However he realized that his other hand was already cuffed.

The Red Robin yelled from the doorway, "Get The Hat!"

Marc, though angered did as was asked of him and removed the top hat. Flipping it over he looked inside and found a device planted inside the accessory.

He heard the Ringmaster moan in confusion. The masked man struggled and exclaimed, "LET ME GO YOU CRAZY BI-"

"hey calm down, we're here to help," the hero said calmly.

Marc recognized the voice, and walked into his line of vision.

"GET ME OUT OF THIS - ... Marc? Marc...oh god, you've gotta help me. Or at least help yourself- uh is my hand bleeding?"

Marc reached over and gripped the back of the mask. Removing it he was met with the face of his little brother his head dripping with sweat,

"Peter," Marc stared in awe, "what are you?-"

"I don't even know how I got in this suit, don't ask me,"

"it was the hat," the hero walked to the others, "A scientist named Jervis Tetch developed this technology, he wanted it to control minds. Sadly this brilliant mind went mad and has been in Arkham Asylum for years now. However it has been this technology that we have found in each top hat so far,"

"is it possible for someone to recreate the tech?" Marc asked.

"in theory, however I believe a sample would be needed to reverse engineer it,"

"any idea who?"

"I have an idea," Peter mumbled.

There was a loud Bang. A gunshot. Red Robin gripped his shoulder falling to his knees.

Marc gasped and Peter grimaced.

"Listen you cra-" Peter exclaimed before the gun hit him in the head. Marc stared at his brother in shock, he heard the click of heels on the floor. They stopped a few feet from him, right as he turned toward the short haired blonde who stood in front of him.

"I hate vulgar disgusting people."

"you- you're alive, Lucielle, how?" he stammered in shock.

"mmm, you know home made poison gives your system a real rush huh."

"what? What are you talking about?"

"hmm? Oh I built up an immunity to this stuff years ago, why would I inject myself with something that I knew would kill me"

"Lucielle, but the Ringmaster,"


Marc studied her for a moment, she didn't really seem like she was in pain, she seemed to act confidently. She had a smug look on her face and her eyes were very green.

"your eyes.. what happened"

"oh let's see Marc... um I wear contact lenses," she began pacing, "also while I'm confessing things, I am also a whiz at chemistry, a skilled actress, and a tortured soul." she smirked walking up to him. "Isn't that a sad coincidence?"

Marc kept his mouth shut he was rather confused by the whole situation.

"I guess things are fun while they last, but those things have to end am I right?" she pressed herself against him, "I mean that's how life is isn't it?"

Marc stared down into her piercing green eyes, frozen. "what is wrong with you?"

"nothing to my knowledge officer, but it could be many things"

Marc grabbed her arms and took a step away from Lucielle.

"now I can see you're confused... I'll make this clear," she whispered in his ear. He pushed her away, he didn't want to believe it, he couldn't believe what she told him was true. He watched as she stumbled back, and started laughing. "you finally get it, and your reaction is priceless,"

"why did you do it?"

"a few reasons, I was fired, I am smart, and most of all... I've been bored," she stares up at him with puppy dog eyes she moved close to him again, "you hate me, but you love me, don't you Marc?"

"you're crazy,"

"that's your opinion," she shrugged. "I do like you though," she smiled, "you're fun to play with,"

Marc felt a sharp pain in his side. He winced and gripped the wound. His hands becoming wet with blood. He felt her lick his ear and move away from him.

"Mr. Cobblepot always said I had you wrapped around my little finger. But look here, I'm not trustworthy ha!" she backed toward Peter, knife in hand.

"Lucielle, Please,"

"Please what? Please save me? Please stop this? Please don't hurt my precious baby brother?" she gripped the knife and brought it to Peter's face, slowly piercing his skin.

Marc saw a shadow move and heard a hushed whooshing sound. He watched as Red Robin began getting to his feet and was kicked in the face by a white stiletto. The heel barely missing his eye.

"hm," Lucielle stared at Peter's face, "You'd look good with an eye patch, Let's give you a reason to wear one." she lifted her arm but before she could swing it down her arm was grabbed. In a moment she was disarmed.

He watched her struggle as the caped crusader took her down and pinned her to the ground.

Marc and Lucielle locked eyes, he saw her smirk with pride before he fell unconscious.  

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