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" so what you're saying is, you were answering an ad, then you were busy rehearsing, and after that you were committing the robbery? "

The woman nodded, her red hair moving slightly.
"To put it briefly, yes, " she sat speaking quietly, infrequently tapping her fingers on the table.

"And you thought it was an act? "

"Until the man was shot, yes, " she looked at her hands, "I didn't have a clue until then, I mean the man's words weren't all that pleasant, but I had dealt with directors like that before, so I didn't think anything of it."

Hudson leaned against the cool metal tabletop, after finishing her pacing. The interrogation room was blank, grey walls, hard charcoal coloured floors. Unpleasant, florescent lighting and a one way mirror.
" and did you happen to see his face? Any details will help. "

"Well he wore this tophat, he didn't really take it off which was weird. He didn't show his face much but would sometimes come to fix my position, um. Yeah, he had dark hair, and a beard, it wasn't very long. But kind of short. I mean I suppose. His face was... I don't know... he had a small nose. .. it's hard to remember. I wasn't paying much attention to him, more on how I could improve. "

Hudson rubbed her eyes with her thumb and index finger. Man she was tired.
"And your thoughts on the other women? "

" I only just met them today. That one with the brown hair though, had no idea what she was doing. What was it? Alice"


"Yes her... pronouncing that it was a comedy didn't make any sense. What is it she does anyway? "

" she happens to be a model "

"That explains it," she clasped her hands together, "I didn't know much about the others, they didn't say much of anything."

"That will be all for now Miss. Tanner," Hudson pushed up from the table and walked to the door, "wait here," she exited shutting the door behind her. Walking to the next room she tried to stay awake. Upon entering she was greeted by Police Comissioner Draydon, Detective Baun, and Officer Marshall. She took a step grabbing her plain white coffee mug, and taking a sip she joined the others.

"Hmm, the stories seem similar but the descriptions, they don't't fit, " said the Comissioner curiously.

" quite " the Detective replied.

"One with light hair and green eyes, one with dark hair and a beard. Not like we have much to go off of," Marc added.

Draydon nodded contemplating the possibilities. His left hand grasped his chin, which was unshaven, though considering how much he worked the night before it wasn't too surprising. His grey eyes had the same tired look as Hudson's and were fixated on the young starlet.

Hudson sipped her coffee, this was one of the longer cases she had been assigned to, and she had a feeling it would continue on for quite some time more. She had plenty of time to spare seeing as not much was going on with her. So she tried to think of a possible solution to their current problem.

"There is the possibility of there being multiple people working together. Have you spoken with the third woman Marshall? "

" No, " he replied, "I haven't, she still isn't awake"

"Right " she sighed staring into her mug.

" but I remember something " Marc smiled slightly, yet hopefully, "it helps out with your theory, The Ringmaster, when the women spoke out of turn he called them 'amateurs', like they hadn't worked together at all."

"Interesting," the Commissioner looked at Marshall, " it could be," he turned to Hudson, " we'll look into it, in the meantime get some rest Hudson, you need it," he turned to the door.
She was about to oppose when he glanced back.
"Liz, I mean it," then he exited followed by Baun.

" don't worry, I'll take care of things," Marc smiled at her and then left.

Hudson sighed and finished her coffee. She still didn't know how to feel about Marcus, he was no longer a rookie but lacked experience. She supposed he was brave, and had a rather level head on his shoulders, but he didn't quite seem right to her. She supposed he was trying to make nice with people. But from her perspective he was just some brown nosing kid from upper Gotham, who thought it would be thrilling to be a cop. She didn't trust him, sure he seemed good but it doesn't take much to corrupt in this city. She often wondered why anyone was crazy enough to stay there. Then she would remember why she was still there. This city was her home, she wanted to keep it protected and preserved to the best of her ability.

She set down her mug and watched as an officer escorted the actress from the neighbouring room. She then left grabbing her jacket on the way out and headed to her car.

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