Four and Ten

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Lucielle shut her mouth, red lips spreading into a closed smile. Teresa smiled back.

" well Terri, may I ask what you think you are doing here? " she inspected the woman from top to bottom.

"Uh... working, " she replied in a confused yet serious tone as she in turn inspected Lucielle. Stopping when she looked into the blue-green eyes it the blonde.

"Is that so... well, I suppose Mr. Cobblepot never told you, sometimes he's too busy or just forgetful. Your contract had been terminated."
The intense look in Miss Starlet's eyes coupled with her bright smile made Teresa feel uncomfortable. So she stepped back creating more distance between the two of them.

"I believe you are mistaken my dear, he would have told me if it was."

" mmhmm, of course. Six weeks of work and he would tell you anything... makes complete sense to me, " her smile shrank slightly and she crossed her arms looking down at Teresa, "do you happen to be insecure about your appearance ? "

" why on earth would you ask that? " she asked in a rather defensive tone.

" the fact that you used a trowel to apply your makeup this morning."

The woman's mouth opened slightly, obviously offended. The shock on the woman's face was priceless yet she felt a twinge of guilt. She continued.

" it seems like quite a hastle to maintain, " she looked down at the woman's chest, then back into her eyes,"then again considering this, that might not be the case. What a way to ruin such a tasteful outfit. Hmm... perhaps your insecurities lie in your singing ability, seeing as the only reason your 'audience ' was paying any attention to you was to get a good look at those."

"What's wrong with a little sexuality? "

" absolutely nothing. Tell me, did you get any lessons? " she raised an eyebrow.

The woman hesitated, unsure of what to do she instinctively hit the emergency button in her bracelet that sent a signal to the security office.
"No, " she said, more reserved.

"Then I'd suggest considering it, your voice was horribly nasal and you were extremely pitchy in the last verse."

" Well. ..I. .." Teresa huffed in frustration.

This made Starlet chuckle. This sort of conversation made her rather amused. Her expression had a smug confidence in it. She stared at the woman more.

"You -you horrid b-"

" Eh, " Starlet cut her off, " please don't, I have quite sensitive ears Terri. "

" grr, how could you say anything like that? Um perfectly secure! My voice was the reason I was hired! You know nothing about me!"

"I know your name is Teresa Pinkinton, that you are easily offended by honesty and criticism. Also, if you know what's best for you, which you probably don't, you should leave, " she continued smiling sweetly but her eyes issued a warning.

" was that a threat? against me? I have protection lady! The Penguin is protecting me! So I suggest YOU leave!" She seemed rather upset. Miss Starlet's comments seemed to annoy her, and Lucielle was only slightly happier. She shut her eyes and took a deep breath.

" please don't yell at me Terri. "

" Why should I! Listen you arrogant, blonde, bimbo! You think that insulting me, threatening me, and commanding me will make me leave! I'm not just going to walk out on this job! And I definitely won't be listening to you! By the way my name is Teresa not Terri you idiot!"

Lucielle held a straight face. She felt choked up not because she was goin to cry; she had been called way worse before. So things like that didn't bother her. She was in fact resisting the urge to punch the singer in the throat. There were too many people around for her to try. She didn't want anything leaked, social media was a real pain sometimes. But this urge compelled her. She began to raise her hand and was about to step forward when she heard footsteps approaching her from behind and she stopped.

" Miss. Pinkinton you called? " the guard said from behind Starlet. She knew the voice. She made herself familiar with every employee that worked in the building. She clenched her fists tightly and smirked.

"Yes! This woman is harassing me!" She pointed directly at Lucielle who chuckled.

"Didn't your momma tell you? You point one finger, three will be pointed back at you."

Teresa yelled in aggravation, " just get rid of her!"

"I was just being honest, I don't see how that warrants calling security. Do you Jordan? "

" what? " the singer grumbled. The guard moved beside Lucielle and looked down at her shaking his head.

"Alright then, please escort her out hon. And do it nicely we don't want to make a scene. Unless Terri is willing to overreact some more." She smiled kindly her fists shaking rather intensely.

"Yes, miss Starlet," he walked to the woman, and escorted her out. Teresa argued with him slightly as they went.

" that's good, " Starlet mumbled to herself, attempting to release her fists. She shut her eyes.
This wasn't exactly what she wanted. She had to go to her room. She had to get away from everyone she needed to calm down, before she exploded. She began making the trek back toward the workers quarters. The fast paced clacking of her shoes, annoyed her. Though she had a smug grin spreading across her face. Then she heard a voice, it said one thing and she stopped.

" Starlet!"

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