Nine and Twenty

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The assignment at Ace Chemicals had been a bust. The Ringmaster was back and putting on a show. He and some of his followers were going to steal some of the chemicals. Many of the officers had thought it was for some sort of toxin, which could have been the case. When he had arrived Marc had found a numerous amount of police officers and people dressed in costume on the ground crippled with laughter. Marc had heard of cases like this before, if only he could have remembered. Truthfully nobody was physically harmed, but they wouldn't stop laughing. As he moved to help Hudson arrived. The detective approached and began speaking when they heard tires squealing on the pavement. Looking back they saw a chemical transportation vehicle tear away quickly. Marc rushed to Lucielle's vehicle, hopped in, and drove after it. Marc followed as closely as possible, turning and speeding up trying to catch the vehicle. Partway through the chase the vehicle swerved and came to a halt smashing into the barricade on the side of the road. Marc quickly got out and carefully made his way toward the vehicle. He got to the front and upon opening the driver's side door found The Ringmaster sitting there, dead. His head was on the dash board, blood was seeping from the mask, there was a large crack in the windshield. Attached to his back was a black envelope.

Marc removed the envelope, opened it, and pulled out a note.

Dear detectives,

My men enjoyed the laughs, thanks to you clowns. By the way has anyone seen Jeremy?


Not only was he angry but he was also confused. He knew this wasn't the end of this this mad man, and he had no idea who this Jeremy was. Although he assumed the next Ringmaster would take him as a victim.


Marc waited outside of the Commissioner's office. The man was in the middle of another of his private calls, He assumed it to be Batman. He held the envelope tightly in his hands trying not to crush it. He listened to the few people in the office or returning from their own investigations. He tried to relax just a little bit as he sat. He sighed and tried to look at something other than the letter in his hands. However he couldn't take his eyes off of it, all he could think of was trying to find out who Jeremy was, and sooner rather than later he was let into the office.

Marc walked up to the commissioner's desk.

"Sir, I picked this up at the crime scene," he handed the envelope to Draydon, who, taking it said.

"and you just took it?" he looked up at Marc sternly."

"yes, sir," Marc said a tad nervously.

"I suggest you let C.S.I. handle that from now on, it makes you look guilty otherwise."

Marc nodded. The Commissioner pulled out the letter and read it carefully. His eyes widening with each word of the second sentence.


The Commissioner set down the papers and reached for the phone.

"Sir, who is Jeremy? If I may ask."

He grabbed the phone, "Baun didn't come to work today, did he?"

"Not to my knowledge sir. He took time off on Friday, he was sick. He isn't supposed to be back until Tuesday," then Marc caught on, "That's Baun's first name isn't it?"

The Commissioner was focused on dialing, he put the phone to his ear and nodded, "pick up, pick up," he mumbled. He looked Marc directly in the eyes, "Go get someone to check on Baun,"

Marc did as he was told and returned as quickly as possible.

"Hello," he heard the commissioner say.

"Hello..." a distorted voice came from the other end. It was loud enough for Marshall to hear. Draydon had to pull the phone away from his head.

"who is this?"

" Ahh Commissioner, so you did get my message, how splendid."

"who is this?"

"you sir are really hard to get in contact with you know, and I wouldn't want to kidnap the big boss man, that would just be stu-"

"Who are you?" The Commissioner demanded.

"Ha! ... Haha, hahaha... you ... you interrupted me, haha and you didn't repeat yourself again. Heh I like you, but try not to interrupt me anymore. Anyway, to answer your question... I thought you'd know by now. However seeing as you are a bit STUPID here is a hint, I'm not Jeremy,"

The Commissioner set the phone on his desk,"where is he?"

"in bed, resting. Where else would he be? He is sick after all."

"What have you done to him?"

"Nothing... my assistant however. Has given him her special medicine, she just got it today, isn't it sweet that she is giving it to him,"

"the chemicals," Marc Muttered.

" That's right smart guy, too bad you were so focused me..." he chuckled, " you know, I'm not going to kill him, that would be too easy. I don't think you'll recognize when you see him again,"

Muffled yells are heard along with a thumping.

"oh visitors, is this your doing Commissioner? I'll be right back,"

The two men in the office waited in suspense as footsteps and humming are heard.

"Oh, Hello."

"It's you-" an officer gasped, his voice distorted.

"that's right," the Ringmaster cut him off, " so, are you going to arrest me?" there are a few footsteps and a chuckle, " come on in, and try"

There are sounds of a scuffle, thumps, smashes, and thuds are heard. Soon there is silence, and a few footsteps. There were sounds of movement, and then.

"ahh hoodlums, trying to disturb the patient," the ringmaster's voice continued, "why would you send something like that Draydon? I am only trying to make Jeremy better. But, you don't want him to get better, do you Commissioner? You really don't care about your employees do you? Well I do... and he will be better, better than you can imagine, Draydon. This man will blow you away when you see him again," he chuckles, " don't bother sending your men here again. We won't be here. Goodbye Draydon," the phone was hung up on the other end.

Mark looked at the phone then at the commissioner who hung up the phone and sat down. His face conveyed seriousness but worry was in his eyes. He looked down at his desk and sighed.

"go home Marshall, finish your weekend, and relax, you need a break from all this,"


"go home"

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