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Hudson sat at her desk, staring at her computer screen. She was filling out paperwork from the last assignment. This was her least favourite part of the job, and she assumed the others felt the same.

She was a bit on edge. She knew that Baun was coming and she had been warned that danger was to follow. She looked around the office, most people were out on their own cases and the others were taking breaks at the Commissioner's request. Leaning back a bit in her chair she took a break from the screen. She observed Lenon. The red haired, glasses wearing, hardworker in the room. He wore a button up shirt and tie almost every day he wasn't out in the field. Although he looked quite intelligent he wasn't really. He wasn't a complete moron however he wasn't the brightest. He was sitting at his desk typing furiously.

Davidson walked by him. Truly he didn't stick out much. He was a pretty average family man, who was the go to person for paperwork. From what she knew he was always on time, and worked efficiently. He stopped by Smith's desk with a stack of papers in hand.

Smith was rather lazy. He normally got others to help with his paperwork. He only put any real effort in when action was involved.

As Davidson handed over the paperwork she figured he was Smith's lackey for the day. She sighed thinking she should most likely go talk to him. Upon standing her partner entered.

He looked tired. His long, sandy hair as cut short and neat. He wore a black suit and a red tie that had a black spade on it. She barely recognized him.

He walked toward the Commissioner's office. Hudson made her way over to him and quickly cut him off before he could reach the door.

"Jeremy, how are you?" she said calmly trying not to tip him off that she knew of the threat.

"headache..." he mumbled .

" what's with the suit?" she smiled very slightly and looked at his glassy eyes.

"special occasion," he attempted to push past Hudson who held her ground, " I have to speak with the Commissioner. It's urgent.

The other men caught wind of the situation and moved toward the two.

"I don't think that's the best idea Jeremy," she gently holds him back.

" I have to," He tried to move past her.

"Jeremy, stop,"

He grabbed her arm and stared into her eyes.

"they said you wouldn't listen, they were right. You all know huh. You all think I'm a threat." he shoved her back, " I only want to speak with him."

Smith was there first running in front of Baun. He shoved the dapper detective backward tying to stop him. Lenon followed Smith, "stop it Baun!" he yelled and attempted to pull the detective away from the door. Baun stopped and shook Lenon off of his arm. " please just let me speak with the Commissioner,"

Davidson came up a little slower than the others. But as Baun turned back to move toward the door and was met with Davidson's fist. Baun stumbled back with a look of surprise on his face.

"oh... it's always the unassuming ones isn't it?"standing up straight he began walking forward again. The three men tried to hold back and detain the detective.

Hudson, now standing, noticed an envelope fastened to the back of Baun's suit. It matched the envelopes they had received from the Ringmaster. Then she, drawn by curiosity walked toward Baun and carefully removed the letter. She held the folded black paper in her hands for a moment when she heard a quiet ticking sound mixed with a quiet tune. She instinctively stepped back as she saw her partner freeze in place. It took her a few seconds for her to fully comprehend everything. "Stop!" she called, ducking behind a desk. She heard a loud bang. Her ears started ringing and her eyes were shut tight. The brief thought of 'where's batman?' crossed her mind before she had come to the realization. She opened her eyes and they immediately widened. Gasping at the sight, her eyes welled with tears.

She had just killed her friend.

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