Four and Twenty

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There was no evidence behind the Ringmaster's murder other than the blood and the bullet. The taller woman along with the thugs had disappeared in the confusion. Marc sat in a chair reviewing all that had happened. It was over so quickly. Batman hadn't shown up. At least the donations were safe, and they caught Twoface. But the Ringmaster was shot and he didn't know who was the killer.

He watched C.S.I. study the evidence as the detectives interrogated witnesses. They had been following leads and ended up far away from the crime scene when everything took place. Some of the people who had previously guarded the doors had gone to investigate a silent alarm that had gone off in the building. They left some guards behind in their places who had been taken out and replaced by thugs.

Marc sighed wondering if the persona of the Ringmaster was going to resurrect himself. Though he mostly wanted the madman to stay dead, Marc had a deep desire for him to come back, just so he could have the pleasure of arresting him and locking him away for life. He looked down, seeing something black and shiny, he instinctively reached for it, and in his hand he held a shoe. Lucielle had left them behind. He picked up the other. He hadn't seen her leave, so she must run off into the crowd. He wouldn't doubt her being scared. Last she probably knew the Ringmaster was dead, having him come back after what happened must have terrified her. He walked over toward Hudson who was sitting at a table with some guy. Marc knew he occasionally worked alongside the police. He was good with computers. They had a tablet in front of them.

"Liz did you see what happened to L- Miss. Starlet? She left these," he held up the shoes.

"why would she want to keep those? They seem very impractical. Anyway she along with the actress Miss. Tanner apparently ran and hid in the bathroom after the Ringmaster appeared. She left the building not long after he was shot."

Marc thought for a moment and was somewhat confused.

"We were reviewing security footage Marshall. Take my place, I'm going to check up on witnesses. Mr. Drake will take care of things," she got up and walked off. Marc sat in her seat.


"Tim Drake, I don't believe we've met before officer Marshall,"

"No we haven't,"

"Most people know me as Bruce Wayne's middle son, but I help with things like this all of the time,"

"Right, so what do we have here?"

"Well, detective Hudson and I studied the majority of the footage but there are a few things that we should check through. Just to be safe,"

"Alright, well let's get on with it Mr. Drake," Marc smiled and the two got to work scanning footage.

A while later the two men came across footage of a sparsely lit, nearly bare gray room, with a pedestal covered in a bulletproof glass case which housed a sparkling ruby.

"Hmm, that is one big Jewel."

"Yeah, the Alistair ruby, we were going to publicly donate it next week,"

"So where in the building is it exactly?"

"This happens to be the safe. I believe it is in the basement, we wouldn't keep this out in the open,"

As the footage played things seemed normal. A laser grid glowed around the glass case. Motion sensors in the corners had their lights on indicating they were working. Then in a moment all security in the room shut off.

"That's strange..."

"Huh, that was quick," the tablet droned in an annoying tone, "Ooh you're pretty," a figure entered the room. That was a woman. The outfit she wore was tight, a cropped black and red top, a pair of high waisted red and black pants, and a mask matching the other items. She moved toward the glass case, "oh beautiful, who needs thousands of people seein' ya when ya can just be mine," she bounced gleefully from one foot to the other, then touched the case with gloved hands, "hmm, there? No there," she attached something to the case and turned away, walking aimlessly around the room until she noticed the camera. "still online?" she mumbled and then grinned widely approaching it, "now obviously you heard that. I know you guys'll find out but by the time you do I'll be long gone. So babies I'd love, love, love, to stay and chat but I have to get somethin' important. Hey but don't worry tell ol' Brucie that I'm just borrowing it... ooh there it goes," she walked back to the case as a quiet beeping was heard. She kicked the case shattering the glass. She picked up the ruby and the device then walked back over to the camera, "by the way kiddos, you might need a knew security system, this one is broken. Oh and I suggest a better one, I prefer a challenge. Muah," She kissed the camera lens. "Toodles." the woman waved and exited though it was hard to see because of the nearly black lens.

"That's not good," Tim said in shock, "Bruce has to know about this,"

The woman in the costume seemed familiar to Marc. He just couldn't place where he had seen her. Tim rose from the table.

"Yeah of course. Hudson and Baun should be made aware as well. Do you suppose that this woman and the Ringmaster could be working together?"

"It's possible considering the timing and the events that occurred. But then again... I'll get back to you," he walked off leaving Marc and the tablet at the table. He tried to remember her identity while looking over at the people. Hudson entered the room. So, Marc went to tell her what they found.  

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