Five and Ten

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Marc walked into the lounge at the heels of his new partner. He looked around in awe of his surroundings. He wasn't sure what it was with buildings in this city and having cavernous ceilings, but he didn't like it. His shoes barely made any sound as he crossed the hard polished floor.

His eyes tried to follow his partner's line of sight. Unfortunately Baun was in the way because he himself was lagging behind. The reason being, his shoelace had thought it convenient to slip out of the meticulously tied bow it was in, and nearly trip him as he climbed up the stairs. So as he took the time to return it to it's former tidy appearance, Detective Baun walked right past him and entered the building on his own. Marc wasn't all that happy about it, but, seeing as his partner was not good at communicating, he left the issue.

He kept following Baun who's fast steps exceeded the pace of Marc's walking.

"Miss," he stopped in front of the witness.

"This is quite the surprise Detective," said the feminine voice, "I wasn't expecting any visitors."

"and we were quite surprised to find you were missing this morning,"

"well I believe I was checked out, bail has been paid. Completely legally might I add. Besides you know where I work. I wouldn't just skip town after a single incident."

Marc caught up, and stood beside Baun. He looked down at the man and woman in front of him as he towered over them.

"Right, well in that case, we'd like to ask you a few more questions."

"You'd like to or it's your obligation?"

"Turn around please Miss. Starlet, if you don't mind."

Marc watched as the woman slowly turned, smiling at the Detective. Her hands were clasped together tightly and she shifted from one foot to the other. Her body attempted to portray a confident demeanor,  but an underlying tension resided.

"Well then, if you boys so desire to interrogate me further let us take a table. I may not have much time this morning," she made a b-line for the nearest table and the two men followed, " I believe that Mr. Cobblepot may have a meeting, and might need me. So we should make it quick." she sat down pulling her hair over her shoulder to avoid causing herself pain. Crossing her legs she looked up at the younger officer, spreading her red clad lips into a charming grin. "would you mind sweetheart?"

Marcus made his way around behind the woman's chair, then pushed it in. He smiled down at her and made his way back over, sitting in the seat beside her. Keeping contact with her eyes. the mesmerizing blue. He wasn't sure what it was, maybe it was a trick of the light seeing green where there obviously was blue. But, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was wrong. He stared into her eyes thinking, until she looked away.

"Can you remember anything more miss?"

"on what? you need to be more specific Detective or else I can't help you,"

"well, out of the descriptions we received, yours matched that of the body. The man was Mason Ridly, avid smoker, thirty seven years old, brother of Astrid Ridly, the woman with the dark hair that worked along side you."

"oh, well, about the smoking. Yes, every time he had come near me the smell of cigarettes was on his breath and clothes. It was always smokey and dark where we were. It was also pretty draughty. I think we were in a warehouse, as I said before. But other than that... oh also he always wore a top hat, if that helps," she leaned her elbows on the table, " are there any more questions or are you just going to ask the same ones? Because I do not want my time, or my boss' time wasted," the woman adjusted her position, pulling her hands into her lap and wringing them she waited a moment then resumed speaking, "there was a spotlight. Considering the size and relative brightness it must have used quite a bit of power, not very eco friendly. He kept it on a lot of the time." 

" So  if there was an area with a large spike in power over the past six weeks that could be where his hideout is," Marc said in revelation. His partner nodding along with his statement.

"That's all I can think of at the moment. I'll  tell you anything if I remember it. However at the moment I unfortunately can't focus. A lot on my mind, you know?"

Marc felt like she was cutting things short for other reasons, then again witnesses can't always remember everything. But he had a feeling of distance, like she wasn't saying everything that she could, and he didn't like that. She was quite a mysterious woman, and not much was known about her. This fact made him intrigued. She was smiling at him again, it seemed quite infectious. He mimicked her smiling with slightly less confidence than she, but smiling none the less.

"Starlet! You're not busy, come here! " they heard an old male voice call from quite far away. The sound of the voice echoed throughout the nearly empty lounge. Marc looked around trying to spot the location where the voice had come from.

"I'm sorry boys, apparently I  am busy. Excuse yourselves. I'm just going to go and do my job," the woman gently pushed he chair back and rose from her seat, her hands clasped tightly together. Then smiling she turned, "call if you need me," she walked away from them, the sound of her shoes echoing as the men watched her leave. 

Baun turned to Marc as Lucielle vanished around the corner. Then the Detective got up and without saying a word, walked toward the door. The only sound was the clacking of his shoes. Hearing the sound Marc quickly got up and followed his partner out of the room.

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