who was there?

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Who was there to wipe your tears
Who was there over the years

Who was there to make you laugh
When life got tough

Who was there when friendship seemed rare
And your heart began to tear

Who was there to cheer you up
When all you wanted was to give up

Who was there to hug you
To make sure something bad would be something you'd never do

Who was there to show you they care
Who was there when loved seemed rare

Who was there when judgement came
And you believed nothing would be the same

Who was there to help you
Through anything you chose to do

Who was there to pick you up when you fell
Promising no one they would tell

Who was there to hear you scream and yell
Who was there to be with you through your hell

Who was there no matter what
Who was there for the lessons that cant be taught

Who was there through the heart breaks
As the world shakes

Who was there
Who was there

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