The only way I can express how I feel

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I'm going to say goodbye

I'm sorry for each and every lie

For every time

I lied and said I was 'fine'

I'm  never fine

Its simply my most famous line

I'm sorry I didnt tell any of you

I just didnt know how to

I'm dying inside

The little girl I once was has died

I have no soul

I am no longer whole

I'm simply a shell

I know for sure I will go to hell

How much longer can I do this?

Will I be someone you'll miss?

I'm tired of hiding

And nearly crying

I'm tired if lying

And feeling like dying

Everyday starts with a new lie

Each day another part of me begins to die

I'm ready to say goodbye to the old me

The person I used to be

I dont want to say goodbye to you YET

Because that will be something I'll 'live' to regret

But I'm dead inside anyway

I don't know how much longer I can stay

So why don't I just end it?

I'd be done with this shit

I wish I was gone

I wish I had never been born

Countless times my heart has been torn

I can't cope - I wish I was gone

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