a fresh start

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a fresh start,

is something I need after being teared apart

I know it wont be easy,

and I know life wont always be breezy

the urge is still there,

it is a daily thing - if only it was rare

I don't want to be who I was anymore,

keeping up that act was becoming more of a chore

there is a part of me that will never come back,

that person has gone off track

for once in a long time I'm happy,

and I'm starting to become more chatty

I got tired of hiding,

and tired of crying

I  cant keep acting,

it was making me want to begin packing

acting caused me to lose sight of who I am - the real me,

the person I once again want to be

in a few years time I want to look back and say 'I survived',

when I had so many chances when I could have died

I hope I can help many more,

because helping people is something I adore

I want to help someone realise,

all the hurtful things people said to them is all lies

I love you all,

keep your chin up and stand tall

your all beautiful,

yes I am being truthful

you all have a reason to be here,

listen to me my dear

I may not be there,

but I care

if you want to talk I'm here,

and I'm being honest my dear

no matter who you are and where you are,

I'm only a message away - I'm never too far

stay strong you all,

keep your chin up and stand up tall,

I love you all

even if I dont know you,

these words mean the same - message me if you want, its something any of you can do

I'm here,

even if I'm not near,

I'm here

message me and I'll be there,

I'll talk to you,  because I care

I love you all,

keep your chin up and stand up tall

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