I wish you will stay

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Chapter 2 :

Suho : yes lay, what it is? Can i help you?

Lay : Manager hyung told me ... I have to go too china .. I will work at china more than korea ...

Suho : i know .. I heard that. I heard all of that.

Lay : how can ... But hyung! I can say no. Then we will always be here together and perform and do all activities together!

Suho : lay ah , honestly i dont want you to accept that i dont want you to go. But, i dont know what happen in future if you dont listen what company want.  Yixing ah, i dont want to lost you. I lost kris I lost luhan. My heart hurt.

Lay : Hyung ....

Suddenly lay tears drop. He watch suho's face he know how much suho's hurt from the departure of 2 members .

Suho : I'm sorry Lay, I didnt mean to say like this. I just .. I just love all the members. Its okay for me if you accept that. * suho hold lay's hand *

Lay : Hyung, what will other members think about me? What will? Im worry.

Suho : dont you worry i will handle it, dont cry. Choose what you want. And dont worry about me.

Lay : Thankyou hyung, thankyou so much hyung. I'm promise you i will not go anywhere i will always remember that i am exo's members.

Suho : of course you have! Lay ah, can you smile? Oh! Btw when will you go to china?

Lay : next week and i cant attend our press conference for exodus ..... Hyung i'm sorry but i will join the promotion.

Suho : its okay lay ah, work hard! Hyung will always support you. Remember that okay?!

Lay : de hyung! 

After lay told everything to suho he left suho's alone in the room. Suho look so speechless he cant do anything .

Suho " If only if i cant stop you for going to china ... I dont want you to go Lay, But i cant do anything ... I trust you Yixing ah .... "

- The next day

Suho : Guys!!!! Can you gather in the living room now. Please guys.

Chanyeol : wait hyung.

Xiumin : wait wait!

Sehun : Guys faster faster!!!

Baekhyun : why hyung? Its that something happened?

Suho : em .. I want to tell you guys that ...

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