Wish for you

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Chapter 23 :

Suho : Who prepare this?

Sehun : What with your question. Of course me and chanyeol hyung.

Suho : No, I mean who plan this from the start?

Chanyeol : You know the answer right hyung. The one who love you so so much.

Suho : Sehunnie? ...

Sehun : Chanyeol hyung! You love suho hyung too right? Why you always like this. Just admit it.

Chanyeol : Ofcourse I love suho hyung, but i know my love....


Suho : Hahahaha guys, dont fight. Chanyeol ah, Sehun ah, Thankyou. Even now we are busy preparing for the comeback, you guys still have a time to do this. Thankyou so much.

Chanyeol : Its nothing hyung, since you take care about us too much, we just can pay it like this hyung.

Sehun : I told you hyung,  i will always be there for you like you always be there for me.

Suho's smile to chanyeol and sehun and suddenly suho's phone ringing on the table. Suho ask chanyeol to take the phone and see who is calling. Without suho's permission chanyeol just answer the video call.

Suho : Ya!!! Tell me who is that?!

Chanyeol : Hello Lay hyung!!!

Three of them sit so close because they want to see lay's video call.

Lay : Guys! Why you have to do a suprise without me?!

Sehun : Ah hyung! Youre now at china how can i ask you to come here.

Lay : But you should wait for me tomorrow!

Chanyeol : Hyung hyung! Youre going back tomorrow right?!

Lay : Yes, the next we will shoot the music video together right. Wait! I want to talk to junmyeon not both of you.

Chanyeol move the phone to suho.

Chanyeol : Here! Our birthday boy.

Lay : Happy birthday to you ... (Sehun and Chanyeol also join lay sing for suho) .. Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday to our beloved leader... Happy birthday to youuuu....

Suho : Ya! You dont have to sing it.

Lay : Leader, Happy Birthday! Sorry i cant be there to celebrate your birthday. But i want to wish you to be healthy always and take care of yourself to. Thankyou for guarding us! I love you. I will be back tomorrow wait for me.

Sehun : Awwww Lay hyung youre so sweet. I'm so jealous.

Chanyeol : Dont disturb them sehun ah!

Suho : Thankyou yixing ah, thankyou for calling me and wish that. I also wish you to take care of yourself when im not around you. We will always wait for you Yixing! Lets promote this album together.

Chanyeol whispers to sehun " wait.. Why sudddenly i feel like want to cry "

And sehun reply it back " Because we know how much suho hyung miss lay hyung when he at china   "

Lay : Okay suho lets promote together! Sleep well, Chanyeol and Sehun dont disturb suho okay? Just sleep silently and behave.

Sehun : Arasseo Lay hyung! Goodnight, Annyeong hyung.

Chanyeol : Annyeong Lay hyung! Take care.

They end up the video call with yixing, they get ready for sleep.

Suho : Two of you sleep at others room. Lets go I will show you.

Chanyeol : No hyung! We want to sleep at your room.

Suho : Then should i sleep at others room?

Sehun : No!!! We want to sleep at you, dont worry just sleep at your bed.

Chanyeol : We will sleep on the floor. hahahaah

Suho : You guys serious?

Sehun : Ofcourse!

Suho : Okay wait i will take the pillow and bed mattress.

Suho go to his mom and ask for pillow and bed mattress. He bought it for sehun and chanyeol, They sleep beside suho's bed.

<1.30 am>

Suho already fall asleep. Sehun and Chanyeol still awake.

Chanyeol : Sehun ah sehun ah!

Sehun : What?!

Chanyeol : See that, suho hyung sleep so cute he look like baby.

Sehun : Hyung are you forget or what? Im his roommate everyday i watch him sleeping like that.

Chanyeol : Really? I thought every night suho hyung will wait for you to sleep first.

Sehun : Hyung ..................

Chanyeol : Okay lets sleep.

Chanyeol and sehun fall asleep around 2 a.m. They look so tired because they practice so hard for the comeback.

<2.45 a.m>

Suho awake from sleep. He look at sehun and chanyeol sleep & he take his phone to see the time then he see he got so many notifications in exo's group whatsapp. Suho open the group chat.

" Ahh~ Why they celebrate suho's hyung birthday without telling me. I want to go too! By the way suho hyung, Happy Birthday. Thankyou for taking care of us hyung! " - Baekhyun

" Junmyeon shi! Happy birthday, Please take care of yourself too. Dont get hurt if not my heart will hurt too! Ops! Kekekeke Thankyou for everything " - Xiumin

" Suho hyung, Happy Birthday! Even im not there with sehun and chanyeol please remember that i will always love you. Thankyou for always protect us hyung! Let us protect you back. " - Chen

" Junmyeon hyung, for always be there for us thankyou. For being strong for us thankyou. For always trying to make a silly joke thankyou. Happy birthday hyung " - D.O

" Suho hyung!!!! For this comeback, everyone know how much you practice how much you want to show to fans you improve. I know you work so hard but please take care too hyung. I will always help you if you need my help hyung. Thankyou, Happy birthday our leader " - Kai

Suho smile while his tears drop after read all the birthday wish. He feel so glad to have brothers like exo. He replied to the group chat.

" Guys, thankyou for all birthday wish and celebration. Xiumin, Yixing, Baekhyun, Jongdae, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, Jongin and Sehun. Thankyou  for stay with me for this long. I promise i will always protect you guys as long as i can. Lets do the best for this comeback, for always believe me as a leader thankyou. I love you guys so much "

After he replied to the chat he fall asleep while his phone on his hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2016 ⏰

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