Night together

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Chapter 17 :

[EXO's dorm]

Sehun : Goodmorning do hyung!

D.O : Morning? Its already for you to say goodafternoon. Where is suho hyung?

Sehun : oh im sorry my kyungsoo hyung. he still sleeping. Minseok hyung, last night what time suho hyung arrived?

Xiumin : Uhm as soon as you sleep, he already come back.

Chanyeol : Oh but ... He look so tired. Its already 12pm.

Xiumin : Maybe he sleep too late last night, dont worry guys.

Sehun : Okay hyung.

Chen : Hyung, tonight lets play basketball!

Kai : Lets go!! I want to go out, its so bored today.

Chanyeol : Lets go hyung! Lets play basketball and ride bicycle.

D.O : But we should ask suho hyung first.

Xiumin : Thats right. We should ask suho first.

Baekhyun : I will ask him for you guys!!

Baekhyun excitedly want to go ask suho but suddenly suho appear in front of him.

Suho : Dont ask my permission just go okay? But take care of yourself.

Baekhyun : Aniya hyung!! Lets go together.

Kai : Suho hyung! Lets go together please.

Suho : Who say im not going? Of course i will join.

Chen : Ey suho hyung ...

Everyone look at suho with serious face.

Suho : Im sorry i will join you guys tonight!

Xiumin : Yeay thats our leader!

At night - 2.00 am

Xiumin, Chen and Baekhyun playing basketball. Suho, Sehun and Chanyeol cycling at the park while d.o and kai walking with Monggu Jjongu and Janggah.

Cycling Team

Sehun and Chanyeol ride the bicycle really fast. Suho cant cath up them. And suddenly suho's shout.

Suho : Ya!!!!! You guys want to left me at the back?

Chanyeol : Whyy suho hyung? Dont scream! Fans will notice us.

Suho : They're no people here. You guys want me to join, but you guys left me at the back ..

Sehun : are you sulky right now? Ey that supposed to be me. Im a baby here.

Chanyeol : Sehun ah, lets ride slowly with suho hyung.

Suho : Yeay thats my dongsaeng.

Sehun : Ya! Only chanyeol hyung?!

Chanyeol : Oh sehun getting jealous easily.

Suho : Aniya! Both of you my dongsaeng.

They ride the bicycle to the basketball's court together while feeling the air at the night.

Chen : Suho hyung! Chanyeol ah, Sehun ah. Lets play basketball together!

Chanyeol : Okay! Lets play!

Sehun : Lets fight.

Xiumin : No problem lets do it.

Suho : than im with tallest team while you guys? Hhahaha

Sehun : hhaha Ofcourse we win.

Baekhyun : ey suho hyung, the tallest is sehun and chanyeol. Youre the shortest.

Chen : Hahahha Baekhyun are right!

Xiumin : Lets fight now!

Chanyeol : Lets go!

They play a basketball about half hours. D.O and kai watching them playing at the outside court while playing with the dogs. Xiumin's team score 12 while suho's team score 9. They feel so tired they end the game with xiumin's team win. D.o and kai join them rest in the court.

Baekhyun : Ah hyung, im so tired. But i feel so happy because .....

Chen : We win!!!!!

Sehun : Ya chen hyung, youre too noisy.

Baekhyun : ey you jealous right?

Chanyeol : no!

D.O kai xiumin and suho just laugh at their actions. They happily rest together in the court before going back to the dorm.

Suho : Lets go back to the dorm. We have schedule tommorow!

Sehun : I want to ride the bicycle, i will carry suho hyung!

Suho : Thats right youre the best sehun.

Sehun : I know.

Xiumin : I want to ride the bicycle too! I will carry baekhyun!

Chanyeol : I will carry Chen!

Kai : Ya! How about me?!

Kyungsoo : Who will give me the ride?!

Baekhyun : em you guys .... Have to walk with monggu jjangu janggah .

Kai : not fair!

Suho : Hahah lets ride the bicycle slowly and waiting for them okay?

Chen : Okay arrasseo hyung.

They ride the bicycle slowly while waiting for kai and d.o walking to the dorm. Xiumin slowly ride the bicycle because baekhyun is too heavy for him xD they laughing together because of the happiness.

[EXO's dorm]

As soon as they arrive at the dorm. Baekhyun's received a video call from Lay. And he answered it.

Baekhyun : Guys!!!! Lay hyung !! Want to video call with us.

Everyone run to living room to see lay's video call. They sit closely because want to show their face to lay.

Lay : Annyeong! Ya! Why you guys look so sweats. Where are you guys going without me?

Sehun : Lay hyung! We go to play basketball and ride bicycle.

Kai : and walk with my dogs too!

Lay : Ah, its so fun! I wish i can go too! I want to go.

Xiumin : Lay ah, hurry up comeback. We can go together next time.

D.o : Thats right we are waiting for you.

Lay : Wohooo! Kyungsoo said he waiting for me. Wow!

D.o : Ya hyung!

Chanyeol : Lay hyung!! I miss you!

Lay : Me too!! I miss you guys so much! But i miss suho hyung more.

Suho : i miss you more and more we are waiting for you lay, take care there! And work hard !

Lay : Thankyou hyung, i have to start shooting now. Take care guys. I will comeback soon. Saranghaee.

Sehun kai chanyeol : Saranghae lay hyung!

Suho xiumin : saranghae!!

Baekhyun : Annyeong!

Lay : Annyeong.

After they video call with lay, they take a shower and getting ready to sleep because of tommorow schedules

Xiumin : Guys! Sleep early. Dont forget we have schedule tomorrow.

d.o : Arraseo hyung.

Baekhyun : okay.

Suho : Guys, thankyou for tonight!!

Chanyeol : Guys 1 2 3

Everyone suddenly shout " YOURE WELCOME SUHO HYUNG ". Suho shock with all responds and he smile.

Sorry for my bad english. Im trying so hard. Hope you guys can understand.

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