I should thanks to you

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Chapter 3 :

Suho : em .. I want to tell you guys that ... From now on, lay will be busy in China. He will do more activities in China.

Tao : What...

Chen : What do you mean?

Xiumin : Solo activities?

Lay : I'm sorry guys .. but ..

Suho : yes, its what our company want. You guys can undestand right? Please support him, its not he want.

Baekhyun : Lay Hyung, not matter what. We will always support you as long as you dont forget us.

Kai : That right hyung, its your decision we accepet it.

Lay : Guys ....... Thankyousomuch. Im so touched i think i will cry ...

Xiumin : dont cry, you have us you have me.

Suho : you have to go to out company right? I will follow you. Lets go,

Sehun : Suho Hyung ....

Suho : yes?  Why?

Sehun : Aniya, take care lay and suho hyung!

Suho : Hahahahaha Sehun ah, whats wrong with you. I and lay will go first, annyeong!

[ SMTown Company ]

Lay : Hyung wait .... *hold suho's hand* Is this the right thing im doing? We can changed the decision right now right ...

Suho : Lay ah, i know you are nervous. You have 5minutes more to think. I will always support what your decisions.

Lay : I will do this for our groups ..

*knock* *knock*

Lay and Suho entered their ceo's room and sit on the sofa with their manager.

Manager : Lay ah, you already have a decisions?

Suho : wait, Urm i just want to ask permission to our ceo and manager.. Can we arrange all lay's schedules well .. I mean he can participate all exo's activities too..

Manager : ofcourse. We will try our best. Dont you worry.

Ceo : so, what your decision lay ah?

Lay look towards suho's face he cant answer what their ceo's ask, suho look back towards lay and node and slowly smile towards lay.

Lay : I will do it and i accept it, but i want to participate more in exo's activities .

Ceo : good, oh! Suho ya, whats about tao??

Suho : dont you worry, he getting better now. Soon, he will dance back.

Their ceo's just smile at them.

A week after that lay go to china, exo's comback with exodus album.

- 1 hour before press conference.
*Chanyeol's phone ringing*

Chanyeol : Oh, Lay hyung why?

Lay : can i talk to suho hyung?

Chanyeol : sure, just wait a moment hyung.

Chanyeol past the phone to suho.

Suho : Lay ah, why? We getting ready for the press conference now.

Lay : i know, hyung i'm sorry i cant join it. I feel so sorry.

Suho : you dont have to feel like that, its okay.

Lay : Urm, if that possible that i want to do a video call while the press conference? Can we?

Suho : I will ask them, if can we will call you! Dont worry, lay ah, thank you for still remember us!

Lay : i should be thanks to you hyung.

On the press conference that make a video with Lay. Suho feel so happy that he can see his members lay, even only on video call.

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