Night together

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Chapter 10 :

Kai see lay crying and he go to lay. Suho was shock when he see lay suddenly cry ... He change his seat with kai...

Suho : Lay ah ... Why?

Lay : Im sorry guys.

Baekhyun : For what Lay hyung?

Lay : While you guys here, Im busy with my own schedule. I feel so sorry, people blame suho hyung and exo and they said bad thing about exo just because i busy at china..

Sehun : Hyung, Its not like that people also blame you for going to china and not joining us.. They know nothing.

Suho : They know nothing, Its okay for people to blame us. We are not perfect right? Lay ah, dont cry dont feel sorry at all, here i am here standing here beside you with all others member to support you, that what you choose. Remember, whenever you feel down, im here beside you.

Chen : Thats right Lay hyung, we always want to support you.

Xiumin : that what you choose, that what they want you to do so you have too lay ah..

Chanyeol : Dont Worry Lay hyung , Im your fan!

Baekhyun : Me too! Me too!

Lay : You are my real family, I always miss you guys when i at china.

D.O : Suho hyung also miss you! He always ask ' at this time .. What is yixing doing ?? '

Kai : Thats right!!

Lay : Suho hyung really?

Suho : Ya kyungsoo ya!!

Sehun : Hey hyung, Just say the true one hahahah.

Suho : Okay! Thats right, ofcourse i miss Lay i miss all members when they are not around me. You guys like my family my brothers, how can im not miss you guys!

Baekhyun : As expected our leader ...

Chen : Saranghaeee suho hyung!

Xiumin : Even suho is not the old one, remember you guys have to hear all what he said. And tell all the problem to him, respect him as ou leader. He do a lot of things for us.

Suho : Im not doing anything, i just do what i have to do.

Lay : Thankyou suho hyung, thankyou for be strong for us.

Suddenly they silent, one by one look down. They think a lot of thing that happen.

Sehun : Hyung!! I want to sleep with you tonight.

Chanyeol : You dont have to say it, everyday you sleep with him.

Kai : Let him sleep with us too!

Sehun : Why should me? We are roommate okay!

Xiumin : Nobody can seperate sehun from sleep with suho. Hahahahaha

Suho : Hahah ofcourse my brother.

Sehun : My beloved suho hyung ..

They laugh because after sehun said that he do a cute posing beside suho.

Chen : why not we sleep here? Lets sleep together!!

Suho : Should we?

D.O : Okay! But chanyeol baekhyun and chen hyung , you guys better dont make any sound at night okay?

Chanyeol : Hmmmm, Okay boss kyungsoo.

Baekhyun : Ya Ya !!! Just go take the blanket and pillows its already late. Lets sleep.

Lay : Okay baekhyun hyung .. Eh! Hahahahha

Baekhyun run and want to chase lay because lay tease him. But lay run speedly towards his room.

- Sorry for late update guys, I am busy with my final exam until april. Hope you guys can wait ❤️

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