I will send you

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Chapter 14 :

Exo rest in their own room. Everyone is sleeping except chanyeol & sehun. its already 1.30 am in seoul.

*Alarm sound*
Suho wake up because of alarm sound, he set the alarm to wake up Lay. But when he getting up from bed he see sehun doesnt sleep.

Suho : Sehun ah, youre not sleeping?

Sehun : No, im not. Im not sleepy yet.

Suho : Why are you like this? Tell me... Please..

Sehun : Hyung.. Im okay im just ... Im okay ...

Suho : Its up to you, after i send lay to airport im going to talk to you. Understand?

Sehun : Uhm.

Suho hurrily go to lay's room. He slowly open the door and go to lay's bed. He pat lay's shoulder slowly because he doesnt want chen to wake up.

Suho : Lay ah, wake up. Its already 1.30am you have to get ready to airport. Wake up..

Lay : Uh Suho hyung why you wake me up? Where is manager hyung?

Suho : i told you, i will wake you up. Our manager already waiting. Hurry up,

Lay : Nae hyung ..

After lay take a shower and getting ready to the airport, he go out from his room & suddenly he see suho's waiting at the living room.

Suho : Oh lay ya. Lets go!

Lay : Wait. Where? Where are we going?

Suho : Aigoo Lay ah, lets go to aiport.

Lay : yes im going to airport. But you...?

Suho : Im going to send you. Manager hyung and the safety guard already waiting you at aiport.

Lay : wait hyung ...

Suho : Dont talk so much, lets go !

Suho pull lay hands. Lay still in confuse why suho send him to airport.


Lay : Suho hyung. Wait why should you ..

Suho : Aigoo lay ah, why? you dont like me send you to the airport?

Lay : Its not like that! But ...

Suho : Okay, you have to go back to china. And we will busy with exoluxion. & i dont know when will you join us back. So i think i should send you give you a strength and let you know that i will always want to support you.

Lay : Hyung .. You dont have to do this. I know you will always give me a strength. Exo is my strength forever. By the way, thankyou hyung ...

Suho : Youre most welcome Lay, okay! We already arrived, oh manager hyung and the safety already wait for you. Go lay ah ..

Lay : Suho hyung, dont worry i will be back. Im promise to you & hyung ... Can i hug you?

Suho : i know you will be back. I trust you Lay ah.. Sure you can!

Lay hug Suho tightly he feel so sorry to leave suho at this situation at the same time he feel so happy that he have leader like this.

Suho : Take care yixing ah, make exo proud of you!

Lay : I will as the name EXO's lay & Zhang Yixing ... And hyung after this you will go back to dorm right?

Suho : Ofcourse! Dont worry. Annyeong Lay ah ...

Lay go out from the car and he smile at suho. Suho make sure Lay enter the airport before he leave.

Aftet Lay enter the airport. He drive to han river not to his dorm.

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