Preparations for MAMA

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Chapter 18 :

Suho on the phone with their manager.

Manager : Suho our company already confirm it that you guys will attend MAMA awards.

Suho : Really? Then i should discuss with our members about the perfomance.

Manager : Ofcourse, you guys can start practice too. Take care of the members.

Suho : arasseo hyung.

As soon as he end the call with their manager he call for the members.

Suho : Guys, are you busy tonight?

Baekhyun : No hyung? Why?

Sehun : Wanna go out again?!

Chanyeol : Yeay lets go!

Xiumin : Why suho ya?

Suho : Its about work, lets discuss about our perfomance for mama awards this year.

Xiumin : Wait, did sm confirm it that we go?

Suho : Yes, manager hyung call me that we have to prepare for mama awards.

Sehun : Hm, I thought we gonna go out again.

Chen : Me too.

D.O : Its around next week right?

Xiumin : Yes, sehun lets do our work first.

Sehun : Arasseo hyung.

Kai : Okay hyung we can discuss tonight.

Suho : Good, Lets discuss after our dinner okay?

Baekhyun : Okay hyung, but will lay's come with us too?

Chen : Ofcourse right?!

Suho : Im not sure about that yet, later i will tell you guys. Go take a shower and lets have a dinner together then we will discuss.

D.O : Okay!

Exo's members having a dinner together. Then they gather at the living room for the discussion.

Suho : Okay first lets choose our concept for red carpet and this perfomance, then we will choose our additional songs.

Xiumin : Lets wearing a casual one, since we always wearing suits at mama awards befors this. How about we change this years?

Suho : I like your idea.

Baekhyun : Its great idea. I agree with this.

Chanyeol Sehun : Me too!

Chen : i just follow!

D.O kai : Me too!

Suho : Okay good, how about our perfomances? For sure we will perform call me baby and love me right.

Baekhyun : Lets add 2more songs, can we?

Xiumin : Lets rock the stage its gonna be fun.

Suho : Can we perform lightsaber? But lets perform the main point in the song. Not full song.

Chanyeol : Lightsaber is good!

Chen : Lets add drop that too! Our stage gonna be rock and fun!

D.O : lets do korean version! Since we already record the korean version? Lets reveal it.

Xiumin : Call me baby, Lightsaber, Drop that and Love me right. I think its gonna be good?

Suho : Sehun ah Kai ya, i think both of you have to do something too!

Kai : Kekeke we already have a idea.

Sehun : we gonna dance with lightsaber stick?

Chanyeol : As expected our dancing machine.

Suho : Good, okay i will discuss with lay first about this. And the theme of our perfomance i will let yixing name it. Do you guys agree with that?

D.O : Yes hyung.

Chen : Of course hyung.

Suho : Thankyou guys for the discussion.

Everyone node to suho. After they settle the discussion they do the own activities. Sehun and Chanyeol going out to buy something. Suho go to his room to discuss with Lay. He sent a text message to Lay.

" Lay ah, are you busy? " - Suho Ask.

" No hyung, Im not busy. Im done with the shooting. Why? " - Lay replied.

" Oh, Can i call you now? " - Suho Ask.

" Ofcourse hyung " - Lay replied.

Suho calling lay after he got a replied from Lay.

Suho : Annyeong Lay ah.

Lay : Annyeong suho hyung! Why? You have something to tell me?

Suho : Yes, will you join ask to mama awards?

Lay : I want to join! Since its really near, i want to join with you guys. But im not sure about that. I will ask manager hyung first.

Suho : I hope you can join, so we will perform together! We already discuss about the perfomance. Lets do call me baby lightsaber drop that and love me right on the stage together.

Lay : Sure i want! I will beg manager hyung for join.  Woah the songs, Our concept for this year is rock?

Suho : since xiumin said we will rock this year stage. So why not our concept is rock hahahahah oh lay ah, you have to choose name our concept this year.

Lay : Oh its gonna be fun! Me?! Really?! Ah hyung i will think for it. Heheeh i will tell you later.

Suho : Arasseo! Hoping that we will together as OT9 on the stage. And sure our fans will be happy. Lay its already late, sorry for disturb you. Take care! Do well in china, we always waiting you here.

Lay : i will make sure i will join mama awards! Thankyou hyung, you too take care! Saranghae. Annyeong.

Suho : Arraseo. Annyeong.

Suho end the call with smile.

Hi guys, I will make the next chapter from the real story that i change it to my own thought what really happen behind the scene. Like mama awards, exo sing for you showcase, Exoluxion dota and others . Okay?

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